Friday, October 31, 2008

Week in Ramblings

I am thinking about the highlights of the week...I usually have a lot to blog about and think I will remember but then I forget!

Here are the few highlights I remember...

I sold another Doorway Puppet theater as well as two quilts this week! Very exiting! The Puppet Theater was sold on Ebay.I had it on the Buy Now option instead of the auction option.All in total I sold 4 puppet theaters.I have one left.Not bad!The two quilts were my first two sales on my Etsy shop.I am very exited.I also had a lady from Toronto ask about the It's Hip To Be Square quilt on my Etsy shop.Even if she ends up not purchasing it,it really is nice to have someone think it good enough inquire about at least.

I finished my quilt for Monday's Dragonfrye News Quilt Giveaway. I an VERY exited about it.I REALLY want to post it now but I will wait.I will give a hint, is a little more boyish only because it is more on the blue side but it really can be for both baby boys or girls.If you are familiar with My BaZoople Friends you will really like my giveaway this month!

I have been spending a little bit more time on Facebook.It is pretty fun.It has been neat finding friends I haven't heard from for years.Some as far back as high school.Every once in a while I get a little blue thinking that my life is just ordinary and not as exiting as maybe I would have thought it would as I read all the exiting things my long lost friends have been up to.It passes quickly though.

Jeff worked his pizza job this past Tuesday and Thursday this week.I am getting used to being solo a few nights a week with the 14 children.It really isn't as horribly stressful as it sounds or as I thought it would be.I have been just doing things the way I do during the day.I think back to when we just has three kids and how horrified I was if Jeff had to be late getting home.I was SO stressed.Of course, the kids miss Jeff being home and being able to let loose.I am kind of more of a parent who likes quiet,no running around,clucking about chores,kind of more controlish and not as fun as their dad.Anyway,I tell the kids their dad working the pizza job is just for a short the long run we will be glad.

Ok,I just heard this cute story.The kids were out Trick-or-Treating tonight and at one of the houses there was an older man in a wheel chair who was dressed as a pumpkin.He could not get to his door to pass out candy so he rigged a tube that he would instruct the kids to put their candy bags on one side of the tube and he would send the candy to them from his end.The older man was so pleased at his contraption.

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