Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I could not think of a fancy blog post title today so the date will just have to do. Hope you do not mind!

The Waseca County Fair starts tomorrow so today was a VERY busy day getting all the kids' projects finished and entered over at the Creative Arts building. There were last minute picture touch ups, things to bake, fruit to be made into creations...I have thirteen young procrastinators and one disorganised mom (that would be me). I'm tired. I had misplaced my camera so I did not get any pictures of our fair prep. Sad. The kids made some very neat things! I will take pictures of all the kids crafts displayed sometime this weekend.

I entered one of my baby quilts and a christening dress I made into the adult Creative Arts area. Remember what a challenge making the christening dresses were for me? I like the feed back I get from the judges. It helps me work on areas that I might not otherwise think to work on.

I decided to take Erica's advice and use The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. So the plan is two children will be learning with 100 Easy Lessons, two with Bob Jones K Phonics, and two with Ordinary Parents. It will break up my school teaching a little and give this old mom a little variety. I hope by the end of the year I will have some emerging readers around here. That would make school teaching a little easier for me!

I know I said last month I would NOT introduce any more new sewing projects into my project to do list but I have not been doing a good job with that promise. I was at Hancock Fabrics this past weekend and look what I found! I am a HUGE fan of fabric book panels. Not sure why. Gee,I must have over...well...I won't say but I have a lot. BUT I do not have this one. I just had to get it. JUST SO ABSOLUTLY DARLING!!!

I was extra please because the fabric book panel had coordinating fabric. I do not always come across that. Just had to get a little of this as well.

Now, no reason to buy this other than it was just cute. Very unneeded but cute!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina,

    Let me know what you think about the Ordinary Parent's Guide...I was glad that it worked with no tears (after 100 "Easy" Lessons brought about day after day of tears!). The downside is the size of the font in the book. My kids haven't seemed to have minded, though, yet!

    Those fabrics are cute, cute, cute! I love that I can peruse your blog and get a fix of seeing cute fabrics.

