Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Old School Days

We enjoyed our first day of home school. Everything was going so crazy fast I could not snap any school pictures but I did get this cute one of Lily sitting at one of the school tables eating a snack after school was finished for the day.

What was the first day of school like with my 13 students plus Lily? Not so bad. We did not do any actual teaching today. The kids cleaned out their school shelves. They decorated their pencil boxes and folders. Even the teens were wanting their own pencil boxes.Who an I to deny them that?! Keep them young for just one more year.

Let's see...I passed out the glue,pencils and crayons. A new box of crayons is always fun,isn't it? I went over a refresher course on school behavior. Not much changed except the cost to purchase pencils from dear old mom. Gasp...I actually charge my children for pencils. They are allowed two complimentary pencils each but after that I charge $.25 this year up .$15 cents from last year. Only three things seem to stop school in it's tracks around here: a fussy child,a fussy mom,and no pencil to write with.The phone goes unanswered and the doorbell ignored.Sorry company I do enjoy you,though.

I also went over with Grant and Alan what I expect from them in the area of school work each day and gave them their books. Elena has been doing school all summer long so she has things under control already.

Tomorrow I will pass out books and go over school expectations with Cyrus,Nolan,and Josh.

Joyce and the 5 younger girls and Joel on Thursday and Friday.

We will start with our core unit study stuff next Monday. It will be good!

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