Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Few Boys and a Few Books

Nolan has a great time at his tenth birthday party. I overheard him state to himself that this was the most perfect day.

Here is Nolan with Josh and his friends Cody H. ,Jeff M., and William S. at the bowling ally.

A real pretty picture of Naomi that I think Elena took this afternoon.

I did finish up three more fabric books this evening.

I also made a simple baby blanket to match the Woodsy Wonders fabric book.

These will be next on my list to finish this week. These will be simple baby blankets.


  1. Naomi looks so sweet. How old is she? I almost thought you adopted another little girl because I didn't remember seeing her on your blog. :)

  2. Sheila,
    Naomi is 7 years old. Naomi has been on the blog but she usualy is not smiling so big.The smile makes her look different.She tends to take more non smiley pictures in general. Joel and Lily are featured most because they happen to almost always be around me like cute little shadows. All of the other children are off playing most of the time.
