Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our House


I'm looking for a house
Said the little brown mouse,
One room for breakfast,
One room for tea,
One room for supper,
And that makes three.

One room to dance in,
When I give a ball,
A kitchen and a bedroom,
Six rooms in all.

~ Rose Fyleman

It's hard to believe we have lived here 7 1/2 years!

We moved in with six children and one cat.

Now we have fourteen children, three cats,and two guinea pigs.

I can not wait until it is warmer so I can sit on our front porch again.

It seems like the snow will never melt but I know it will...won't it?

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Bit Of Spring

Ah, what a sweet husband I have!

My weekly flowers.

Don't these just scream


Thanks Jeff!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

A Few Of The Girls

Miss me?

I was having internet troubles this weekend and then I was hit with a 24 hour bug. Gee, I hope the none of the others in the family get this one!

I am on the mend and the internet is working for a brief moment!

How about a few great pictures of the girls all but Elena that is.

Naomi,Odell,Anya,Ekie,and Lily


Joyce and Lily

Joyce, Odell, Naomi, Lily. Ekie, Grace, and Anya

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's Been Too Long

I've waited for what seemed like forever.

A trip to Mankato.

A fabric feast for the eyes.

I might have bought a little much

But it was all on sale

It really was.

Oh, wait until you see the end results.

Too bad I could not buy some time as well.

I wish I did not ever need to sleep

Or maybe if I had sewing machine arms...kind-of like Edward Scissorhands scissor hands...

If I was on the Enterprise do you think Starfleet would include a sewing holodeck program just for me?

I might even have the safety protocols disengaged just because I'm like that...

You know ...kind-of a wild child...

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is It Still There?

My arm, I mean...?

12 weeks times many kids equals a zillion maybe?

Why do I insist on doing this the old-school way.

Get it?

Old-school...I'm doing the kids school scheduling ...clever...cute...


I'm a funny person.

I really am.

No, no not weird.


Hey, who said that anyway?

How is it that I can be heckled on my own blog?

There has to be blog rules you-know.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Getting Green!

The more snow that melts the more exited the kids are getting to see green!

I'm not sure how many more containers I have left for the kids to use to plant things in but it sure has kept them busy the past week.

Now Joel keeps up-rooting his bean plants and Lily keeps over-watering her garden as well as everyone else's gardens.

I have been reminding the bigger kids quite strongly over and over 'do NOT give Lily any more cups of water even if she insists she is thirsty.' Once she gets a cup of water in her little toddler hands she makes a b-line to water the gardens. If she is really thirsty I will give her a drink.

Josh planted this garden for me. In the middle there will be pretty flowers. There will also be green peppers,cilantro,chives,and Basil around the edges. I also rescued two of Joel's up-rooted bean plants. Yes,all of that in this here small planter. I know you can visualized the outcome,but the fun is in the anticipation of seeing those first few little green stems peeking out.

Every gardener needs a bright yellow watering can don't they? Good thing Lily is not strong enough to lift it.

And we promise Peter Rabbit, if you need to hide from Mr McGregor you can hide in our watering can. We won't mind. No,not one bit!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lily Is Very Loved!!

I think we all need that unconditional love that a toddler gives, don't we?

I am never as beautiful as seen through the eyes on my very little ones.

Even my weaknesses and shortcomings do not seem that big as I am cozing up with my tot.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Blast From The Past

Well maybe the not so far past.

I am sure I have these on my blog from last year but I found them on my camera sd card so I thought I would share them again!

I believe we were taking a walk around the path at Cannon Lake.

Sweet memories.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Friday, March 18, 2011

Smile For Me

Did I show this to you before?

If I did that's ok.

We all need a little smile sometimes!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Just Love Those Squares!

I was itching to sew a few 5" squares together the other day. I have about a zillion (or close to that) 5" squares sitting in boxes. I thought I needed a quick project to break-up my weekend blahs.

And it was even nice enough out to take outdoor pictures of my finished project.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Be You!

Each of my fourteen children are very special and very unique. Some have similarities in personality or interests but God made each of them uniquely themselves!

I have a daughter who is crazy for concerts. She loves going to the smaller Christian band concerts where she can meet the band members and talk with them.

She does not wear much makeup but she really likes black eyeliner,band t-shirts,black combat looking boots, and skinny black jeans. Nothing immodest just uniquely her. I let her wear them.

Why? Because it is a part of her figuring out who she is. Yes, she is a child of God. She knows that but she is also not a cookie cutout of me, her dad, or her sibling. I am not worried that she will turn all 'goth' (as she calls it. Wasn't it punk back in the day?) on us.

She loves the Lord very much.

I just love watching her grow up and blossom into her own person. I am very proud of her.

She won't always be in this phase of her life. Much like when she moved on from playing mommy and house to bigger kid things.

She will finish school, probably go on to college, get a job, get married, start her own family. She will keep walking farther and farther down the path God has set out for her.

But, I will miss these days.

And a very neat thing is her dad brought her to most every concert. He will never get tired of doing this for her. She does not get embarrassed by him even when he dances.

All that pondering was brought on by these pictures I found on my camera. She must have had a band memorabilia photo shoot.

Her Stellar Kart memorabilia

Her autographed Stellar Kart stuff.

Remedy Drive things

Hawk Nelson

Band T-shirts photo one

The rest of her band t-shirts

Her autographed CD collection

All of her cds

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sometimes It's Hard To Choose

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

A Bit Under The Weather

A spring-ish cold has hit the house. It has taken almost a month to make it through half the family. Maybe by April we will all be back to normal. We have gone a few years without any major illnesses even without the Flu shots! Whoever started the fear that large families spread more sickness does not live in a large family! But this year we did experience illness but it has been pretty minor.

This weekend Elena was mostly like this.

Cute feet my sweet!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Not Another!

First it was our local Walmart discontinuing their fabric department.

Now the quilt shop in Owatonna is closing!!

Very very sad.

Everything in the store was discounted so I did go in and get a few good deals.

Two quilt books

A few fat quarters. I think this summer I will make a pink and white nine-patch quilt.

I bought a yard of this fun vintage look paper doll fabric.

and this coordinating panel.

Hey I'm clogging my regular blog with my sewing stuff! How did this happen? I will get back on track soon.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy