Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Icon For Hire Rock and Roll Challenge

Ok, one thing you will not find with us as a Christian, homeschooling, large family is the stereotypical Christian, homeschooling, large family!

No violin playing, spelling bee winning, whole wheat eating, skirt wearing large family here. Not that I have not tried. For years I struggled with trying to form our family into my version of the perfect family.

It was sort of like fitting a square peg into a round hole. And why would it not be? I am a sort of feisty rebel myself. Why would I want my children to conform to an image rather than be themselves!?

Anyway my oldest daughter beats to her own drum and you know what? I want her to.

Sure, I had visions of mother/daughter tea parties, quiet evenings discussing Jane Austen, passing along to her tidbits of how to be a good wife and mother as she eagerly takes notes, grinding wheat together and then side by side kneading loaf after loaf of healthy bread to nourish the littles as we teach them their school lessons.

Umm...well that is not what goes on around here.

Most of the things I like she (maybe on purpose?) steers clear from.



My oldest saw this challenge from Icon For Hire

and wanted me to help!

I was mostly her sounding board and stood back and let her creative juices flow.

Ha Ha My tidbits of advice here and there proved valuable because she would do just the opposite which in the end resulted in a very impressive outfit!

AND she let me take pictures!!!!

so I took a LOT of them!

What is neat about this sewing challenge is Ariel(Icon For Hire)uses old t-shirts and such for her outfits. So everything Elena used for her outfit we had around the house.

The skirt Elena made was from a old t-shirt and a pink cami she did not wear anymore.
The black lace was leftovers from some of the Halloween skirts I made for my Etsy shop and the lace was just stuff I had in my lace bin.

Elena had an old 'momish' looking tank top that she added letters from another old t-shirt she had.

I had to sneak in this one of Grant hanging around the table while Elena was hand sewing the letters on her top. I think they were talking music.

Elena did an excellent job! I am SO impressed. I hope she wins!!!!!!

Notice her pop can tab necklace and ragstock gloves? Pretty cool!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazing! Please tell your daughter she did a wonderful job:)
    Rock on,
    Icon For Hire
