Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Two of 10 Days of Proverbs 31


I have to admit that I struggled greatly with being involved with this 10 day blog event.

First off, I am not a writer.

I am a very poor communicator.

Ha ha. Sentence structure and things like spelling and punctuation are SO very over-rated!

I have a lot to say about things like sewing, laundry, raising a large family, orphans, adoption, homeschooling, being a wife. All which developed from the lengthy list of what I have done wrong in those areas.

In fact, I can communicate very passionately about a few of those subjects.

But when it comes to God's word I get very flustered and my thoughts jumble up. Yes, even more than they usually do.

If you ever met me in real life you would know how much I ramble. You would also have been caught in one of the 'Tina never got to the point or answered the actual question' conversations.

A simple question on your part like " How is the weather?" would commit you (unknowingly) to ten minutes of odd obscure rambling that had absolutely nothing to do with the weather!

To top it all off I am sort of a Proverbs 31 woman rebel.

Did I just hear a few gasps?

It is not because I do not agree or desire to have the character traits this woman has.

I do.

Maybe a more accurate statement is that I rebel against the 'look' of this particular woman. You know ,the stereo type image of the Proverbs 31 woman that pops into our minds.

For years I felt that to be the best wife/mother/christian I could be, I would need to 'look' like her.

I would strive.

I would try.

I would fail.

How dare she (really meaning God) put me in a small box, a box so small I can not even move about in and to top it off, create me with my own unique quirks, oddities, talents,etc...but say sorry Tina here is the mold. You need to be her.


I am me!!

So I rebel.

I thought how unfair is it that here is this woman, this standard so seemingly lofty and hard to obtain in my own life.

Then it clicked.

Even without Proverbs 31:10-31 being included in the Bible everything she demonstrates, the character qualities she possesses can be found and also modeled in other areas of the Bible.

And to top it all off, this is the real zinger, If you get to the core, to the bottom line of who/what exactly this Proverbs 31 woman was about you will find it has little to do with whether she sews, or buys fields, or makes terrific meals for the whole city.


Look real close.

It is about this:

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

John 15: 13-14

and this

" I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it will produce many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it,while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

John 12:24-25

I think that her whole life was a purposeful choice to die to herself and serve others and most of all Love God with a confidence and depth that not many do.

That I want to do.

So whether my sewing machine breaks down, my dinner burns, I over sleep, or my kids wear un-matching hand-me-downs, I can live my life with a purpose, with a choice. A choice to serve, to love, to die to myself. Most of all I can cling on to a very powerful, strong, compassionate, understanding, patient God.

The God who made this quirky, odd, rebel named Tina

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy


Here are the other twelve blogs joining in on this 10 Days of Proverbs 31 adventure.


Contributing to famHeily income/
2 better than 1

The Fear of the Lord/
Satisfied by Love

Using time wisely/

Taking care of needy/
Shadow Wonder

Using money wisely/
Jennifer Sikora

Keeping an eye on home/
Just a Glimpse

She can laugh at the days ahead/
faith filled food for moms

Clothed in strength and dignity/
One thing I’ve Learned

Taking care of others/
2 savvy gals

Bringing Variety to Family/
Karen Dawkins

Extending your Hand to the Poor/
Women’s Fellowship House

Teaching what is Good


  1. You just did it. You broke the intimidating picture of the P31 woman that we all hate and fear. And you say you are not a writer. I son't think you give yourself enough credit. I love this post. I am going to have to quote you.

  2. I don't hate my life in this world, Tina. Do you? Am I supposed to?

  3. Sally, what a great question!

    Oh I do love my life as well. Ha Ha most of the time,anyway. Sometimes I wouldn't mind trading lives with someone else for a bit...say a good holiday in Australia. ;~) It is one of my dream places to live one day.

    It is kind of an interesting statement,isn't it? On the one hand Jesus says we should hate our life but then on the other hand we should be thankful for all that God has given us.

    I am not good at explaining things but maybe what Jesus was getting at was if we hold on so tightly to our selfish rights,the give me, give me, me,me,me kind of mentality it is almost imposible to lay our lives down for others or truly with all of our heart follow God.

    You remember the parable of the wealthy man in Matthew 19:16-26?
    That is a good example of someone loving his life so much that when Jesus asked him to give it all up and follow him but he just could not.

    A great 'living' example is Summer. Her blog is on my side bar. Transformed From Glory To Glory. God asked her, her husband,and children to give up everything they had, the life they loved to live in Uganda and they did! Her story is amazing. I truly admire her.

    Blah, see I am terrible at explaining things.

    What are your thoughts?


  4. Why thank you Jeannie!

    What a sweet thing to say.

  5. Thank you for directing me to Summer's blog. I will be following her postings regularly now. I only hope that God doesn't call me to do that - I don't think I have the strength! Physically, emotionally or spiritually. However, I admire her and her family immensely and will be praying and considering ways that I can assist.

    On the matter of hating or loving your life - I just love where I am now. It's taken a long time to get here and even though I am being led to de-clutter and simplify at the moment, I certainly don't need to gather more belongings. I am at peace after a life of ups and downs and would like to remain here for a while.

  6. Once again you hit the nail on the head. You can be confident in your wisdom. You are listening to the Lord and you sure can have confidence in him.

  7. Tina,
    well said! I love ever word of this post! Just love it!

    From another non-stereotypical Prov. 31 mom :-)
