Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day Part 2

Wasn't the song Jeff sang to me on Mother's Day just so sweet!!

If you have not watched it yet...

well that makes me sad...

and shows that you might be a tad envious...

'cause I have one awesome husband with a great voice...

I am guessing your husband would not sing for you?

Just guessing.

That's ok.

Mother's Day candy is a fine gift, too.

Your husband did well.

You know I am just teasing, don't you?

I would never sing for my husband.

Well not as a gift, anyway...

Maybe if I was bothered at him and wanted to do the cruelest thing I could think of to make him suffer.

I would sing to him then.

I would.


Some of the kids sang songs to me as well but the video I took on my camera did not turn out at all.

I was SO sad!

I decided to make the next best thing!!

Make a slide show of pictures of our weekend and using the audio of my Mother's Day concert!

I am not a pro but enjoy!!!

Warmly,A Dragonfrye Mom


  1. Right you are, my hubby didn't sing to me! I'm glad you had a special Mother's Day!

  2. Wow! So beautiful! Jeff's singing made me cry a little bit! It looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Love to all, Lisa
