Monday, August 13, 2012

Neighbor-ly Curiosity

Ha ha

One thing that is given out freely and in abundance at the farmers market is...gossip.

One poor person did not realize she was actually talking to the very one she was gossiping about.

No, I was not the gossiper (but I have tasted foot before).

I was the one being gossiped me.

I am not in the public eye very much so this sweet neighbor did not know I was the mom of the Fryes.

In all truth, my family is not looked on very highly among our direct neighbors. They are the ones who hear and see the real life of a large family. It can be loud, it can be messy. I can be loud and I can be messy. Jeff and I see the struggles and the mess but we also see God's work in the lives of all seventeen of us. Our neighbors do not see those parts. We are not perfect parents. Our children are not perfect children. And it seems like when we fail or our weakness is seen by outsiders...well...we are judged hard. I think we meet a much deeper judgement by others because of our family choices maybe. Or we just plum do a lot worth gossiping about.

Anyway, I still am having a hard time lifting my head when I go outside the house.

I wish I was better at my mom/wife job then there would not be anything for the neighbors to gossip about.


But as a spoof

To keep things light

I heard some of you neighbors were curious as to what the Fryes were up to last week...

A bunch of racket was heard by many.
So much racket heard by so many!
The sawing
The rattling of the metal chair horses
The endless drilling
Those Fryes
Those Fryes
The racket they make
OH the racket they make!!

All that racket neighbors,oh dear neighbors, was one beautiful custom made bunk bed for Ekie and Anya!!!

P.S. Sorry I was out in our front yard sawing at 11 at night. At least it was a hand saw...

The nitty gritty:

The width of this particular room is about 76" and the length of your average twin mattress is 75" and an average length of a bunk bed is about 80".

So see what we did?

We bought a bunch of 2x4s and plywood and built a bunkbed but moved the end supports to the sides and wedged the bed in tight.

Soon I will put up curtains, add some sort of protection on the windows so they do not hit the glass as well as whitewash the wood.

Next month we will build one just like this on the other end of the room for Grace and Lily.

And neighbors, all that irritating radio station flipping between county and '80s clasic rock last Thursday and Friday...well,that was me too. I was painting the girls room Purple Fizz. I will NOT apologize for the extra loud AC/DC just don't tell the kids...or my mom...'cause rock music rots the I was told.

P.S.S. As far as I know of my 10 blog readers non are neighbors.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy


  1. Tina, You are a gem! I think you probably do get looked at more than an average family, if only because there are many of you (which I think is marvelous, by the way!). But, you love each other, love the Lord, make memories, and take care of the family...those are the things that matter! We love you, Frye's!

  2. Eh, they are just jealous. I say give 'em something to gossip about. They are going to gossip anyway....may as make it worthwhile. Keep up the sawing and the singing and especially the smiling. It makes people wonder what you are up to :)

    God's Blessings
