Thursday, January 10, 2013

Well, Hello There!

I made the omelet breakfast for the troops.

Very tasty!

As well as our supper ham soup.

We did our school as always amongst my sewing stuff but I did not do any actual sewing today.

A partial game of RISK was played

A hug for Skittles

Jeff talked to the kids about Matthew 22:36-40 for our Wednesday night home Bible group time.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Then kids watched The Blind Side and enjoyed microwave popcorn and strawberry pop.

Lily said to me that the movie was very sad because the boy (Big Mike) was walking in the rain and did not even have a jacket.

All of the kids really, really liked the movie. Even our two Jr highers snuck in to watch the movie when they came home from their youth group.


On another note, I have been melancholy over our baby Lily turning 5 this past Monday. I was editing the pictures for my blog post and looked over at my door. I was thinking that the years of baby dolls and little cute backpacks and the other little kid stuff will be over sooner than I want it to.


Also will be gone those moments of being needed in the way only young children need their mom.


I also have a headache that just will not go away.

Good night and sweet dreams.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy


  1. I like this post with snippets of the simple things in your day. Well, maybe that fancy omelette wasn't simple but it sure looks good!

    Just a few weeks ago, as I straightened a notebook on my daughter's nightstand, I suddenly had a terrible lump in my throat, realizing that all too soon she will be all grown up, just like my first two. WHY do they DO THAT?! I will miss her terribly. And my baby? He just turned 3 years old and as much fun as he is, I truly miss that soft, squishy newborn that came into our home suddenly. I know how you feel, watching the children grow up. So much time it takes and yet, it is but a vapor.
    Take care. :) I notice Lily seems to sit by the heat registers a lot. Smart girl!

  2. Sonya,

    My omelette picture is misleading because I picked the best looking one to photograph. All the others were pretty messy looking. If you saw them you would know by their looks the omlette making task was not take up much time.

    Yes the heat vent is very popular between Lily, Joel (8), Elena (18), and the cats. They seem to squabble over it a lot. Our house is old and drafty.

    Enjoy your week!!!

