Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Two almost finished skirts.

I am going to miss getting them into my Etsy shop for Valentine's Day.

Oh well.

At least they will be ready for next year.

Like I say, I am always thinking steps ahead of the the rest...


Yes, yes, that was said tongue and cheek.

You were not supposed to tell, you know.

It is all about the illusion..

But truth, I am usually miles behind...

Moving on.

A little Fancy Nancy

Moving on a little further...

The perfect candle.

Much care was taken by Josh to preserve the perfectly placed wax drips.

To conclude this post I would like to quote Fancy Nancy from her Favorite Fancy Words book shown above,

"répondez s'il vous plaît"

 aka: RSVP

Hm...realizing that fancy set of words does not apply right now.

Does this introduce an awkward moment into the content of my post?

Kind of thinking it does.

Maybe I will change the fancy words to:

Passez une bonne nuit!!

aka: have a good night!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

1 comment:

  1. The skirts (cute!!), despite a few hearts, could be worn all year. So maybe, put them on Etsy and see what happens.
