Friday, May 23, 2014

Another Normal Day In Pictures!

It has been pretty nice out this week.

I thought I would just wander around the house today snapping pictures of 'my day'.

Today is a normal day.

Nothing special, just run-of-the-mill stuff.

Here is what run-of-the-mill looks like over here.

You know...

Just in case you woke up this morning with the though, "I wonder what run-of-the-mill looks like over at the Frye house?".

Ha! Here you go!!

Our typical daily dining room table.

FYI: Not much in the way of dining goes on at the table.

The school books, bags, balls, and other kid generated items are usually gone by the end of the school day, but if I would just move my sewing, I think dining could actually happen at the table.

An abandoned butterfly net/dance scarf baton-ish thing.

Evidence of our daily family Bible time

Our usual Thursday night meal.

Crock pot beans with chips, cheese, and salsa. I split the chips up this time to hide the evidence that I ate half the bag of the Frito's.

Darn you Frito's for being so tasty!!!

An abandoned sweatshirt by the driveway


More bikes

and one lonely bike that was not put away.

Josiah, Joyce, and a friend taking a walk.

Yes, I might be labeled by some as that creepy, picture taking, stalker mom. Now, I will argue that it is actually not creepy and stalker-ish if I take the picture from our yard and do not switch to my long range camera lens. Wink.

Finally, our lone tulip shows it's pretty face.

Loki guarding the front porch.

There you have it.

An average run-of-the-mill day at the Frye house!

P.S. Not pictured:

A track meet that I could not attend.I heard Cyrus and Odell did great, though!

One bleeding bike wound

The unclogging of a bathroom sink

A few unhappy bedroom door slams

The washing and drying of about six loads of laundry

Water flooding the laundry room floor

One sibling helping the other sibling put self tanning lotion on

A pretty big Pill Bug

The release of a pet turtle

The capture of snails

Yes, very run-of-the-mill over here.

Hoping for another one tomorrow!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy