Monday, July 28, 2014

Another Tasty Treat!

Another tasty treat,

Made by Odell and Joel.

Chocolate covered frozen banana pops.

They were SO good!


I am still at the adult table.


All is good, right?


It is how it should be.

It is all how it needs to be.

And that is why it is how it should be.

Have your kids make some chocolate covered frozen banana pops this week and eat them at your adult table spot. If you close your eyes while eating them, your 'adult' troubles will almost melt like lemon drops. How? Because you will be brought back into the here and now by enjoying the moment, appreciating the treat, and most of all, delighting in how pleased your kids are for their kitchen creation. Their pleasure can also be your pleasure, their joy can be your joy if you are paying close attention. Try not to miss it. I do not want to miss it,either.

THAT is truly how it should be.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sleepy and His Forest Friends

I did take out my sewing machines this morning. I worked on a few Etsy shop items. I decided to made a sample of each item and a duplicate for Lily. I am not finished with my new creations but hope to finish as time permits this weekend.

My partially finished skirts

This will be a fall corduroy jacket with a solid beige lining.

It will look great with the Forest Friends skirt!


Please Lord,

I do not want to sit at the adult table anymore.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Have you heard this old Polish proverb?

Not my circus, not my monkeys!



What if it is my circus?

What if it is all happening under my big top?

What if they are all my goofball monkeys?

My circus peanuts?

Well, under this big top, clowns are one of the most popular characters.

That is the part of the apple that fell close to Jeff's side of the tree...

Did I just say that?

I find they are VERY skilled in a variety of circus acts.

Driving me bananas is their most practiced and encored act.

I wish I could say I was the ring master by I find out I am more the juggler, lion tamer, tightrope walker, and flame thrower all rolled into one.


I think Jeff would like to be the unicyclist but then again he would like the ring master's top hat.

But instead, fortunate for him, he mostly just arrives when the daytime circus show is wrapping up.

He misses the good stuff.

Jeff did take this old circus-ed out juggler, lion tamer, tightrope walker, and flame thrower to the fabric store when he got home from work.

It has been a little more than three weeks since I left Waseca.

Thank you, Jeff!

I needed the break.

I bought a lot of this Snow White's Seven Dwarfs fabric. I have many plans for this!! I might just unpack my sewing machines today.

I also bought a blender at Kohls.

I was feeling the need to blend stuff.

I tested it out when we got home.

Jeff, Elena, and Alan watched as I blended an old banana I found in the freezer, milk, chocolate syrup, ice and a little oatmeal together. It was not bad. They were my taste testers. I read somewhere that oatmeal adds protein and a little thickness. Next time I will leave the oatmeal out, though. It did not blend very well.

These are pictures I took yesterday. I LOVE my milk weed plants!!

I am wondering if this butterfly escaped from the Butterfly exhibit at the fair this past weekend.

Daisies are also one of my favorite flowers.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Monday, July 21, 2014

Saying Good-Bye to the Fair!!

Grant showed his car in today's classic car show.

Looks very impressive!

Joel, Grace, and Lily on the Yoyo

Lily on the little car track

I just happened to take this picture as Lily's crush "the Dinosaur boy" drove by her. We named him that because one day as Lily was running by his house trying to impress him with her running speed, he was pretending to be a dinosaur. Maybe to impress Lily? He is such a cutie! Maybe this picture is a foreshadowing of the future?

I was being paparazzi-ish (which is different than being an embarrassing mom) and took this long range picture of Nolan (in the blue baseball cap) and his friend Jennifer on the Tornado.

Lily on the Motor-Bike ride

Very handsome picture of Jeff

Now this striking beauty is Anya. Just absolutely gorgeous.

Joel, Grace, and Lily on the Pirate Ship.

Naomi looking concerned on the Yoyo

Jeff looking:

A. Afraid
B. Concerned
C. Humored
D. None of the above

Where did Lily get her lack of fear from? Notice Jeff is holding on tight...

Joel on the Bumpers

Good-bye Waseca County Fair 2014!!

Looking forward to Waseca County Fair 2015!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Two Day Post: Part Two

Today, my oldest niece got married!!!

I was not able to attend but I heard the wedding was beautiful!!!

My oldest sister, Heide , texted me these pictures.

Thank you, Heide.

I figured out how to email them to myself.

I am smart like that.


Just call me that:

TST for short.


Here is the BEAUTIFUL bride Jessica!!!!

I gave her pop to drink when she was about 5 or 6 months old and afterwards I thought it might actually kill her... But it didn't. I am glad. Another time, I left her out on the sidewalk at the U of M all by herself in her stroller while I went into my house to answer the phone. I was gone for a long couple minutes. She could have gotten kidnapped, but thank goodness she didn't. I did not tell her mom Tammy for years. I was a clueless auntie.

You are SO beautiful, Jessica!!!!

My sister, Tammy,aka: Jessica's mom, aka: my very pretty older sister.

Tammy, my sister-in-law Angela (married to my sister Missy), and my baby sister Missy. She will ALWAYS be my baby sister!!

My nephew Matthew (Jessica's younger brother), my brother-in-law- Paul (married to Tammy), and Tammy

Not pictured:

The groom, Jake!!

My mom!! Where was she hiding!!??

Heide, the picture taker.

My sister Heather who was not able to make it to the wedding, either. This post is mostly for her. Heather, I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Two Post Day: Part One

A girl who fears NOT !!!

I did go on the Scrambler with Joel, Lily , and Grace.

I decided I am a little too old for spinning around.

BUT I am SO going on the Tilt-a-Whirl tomorrow. I will spin around for that.

See you there!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Annual Frye Fair Lemonade Stand

The kids working hard selling cookies, lemonade, and bracelets to fair goers. I think this must be our eighth year doing this. Time goes SO fast! The weather has been so nice that not many are thirsty for lemonade but the kids are selling lots of their bracelets!

I added a few things for the kids to sell to add a little bonus money to their earnings.

Enjoy the fair!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Friday, July 18, 2014

I Was Just Thinking

I was just thinking about stuff tonight.

I was thinking about history.

I went into the old cabin in the Historical Society building at the fair this evening. I love that cabin. This year they have the second floor loft open. Cool!!

So I was thinking history.

Then my thoughts turned specifically to my history.

I was thinking about connections, and identity.

My thoughts could have been triggered by a dream I had the other day. In my dream I was talking to my grandpa. I was following him around. I do not know what we were talking about but I woke up with a longing, it was almost a sad emptiness. My grandpa passed away in 1995. I was not super close to him like some kids are with their grandparents. I just liked to be around him.

I think my unsettling feelings when I woke up from the dream were not as much about missing him as missing what was familiar.

My upbringing was not the very worst upbringing around but it was not the most secure, to put it lightly. It was surrounded with addictions, divorce, anger, abuse, mental illness, physical sickness, death, and all the stuff that comes with that. The Lord was not a part of my life until later.

Sometimes, when my life feels unstable, I tend to long for the very life I almost ended mine over because it was so unlivable and lacked hope. Isn't that funny? In a not funny way? Twisted, would be a better description. Sometimes, I feel like I identify more with my broken past than my daily new life with Christ.

I am proud to be a Weiss.

Sometimes I have a harder time knowing how to be a new creation in Christ.

I know how to do the Weiss way of living. The broken way. It comes easy, pretty natural.

I do not always know how to do things this new way.

Anyway, my thoughts are fragmented.

My apologies for that.

A lot of times my thoughts start in the middle and do not end up having an end.

There will be some who get what I am thinking. It is ok if you don't. They are not really earth shattering thoughts. Just thoughts.

Here is a little fun Weiss history.

My Great Grandpa Frank Weiss is the little boy sitting on the pillow bottom left. My Great, Great Grandpa Weiss is the man in the middle with the dark mustache and my great, great grandma is on the right. They had come from Austria/Hungary a few years before this picture was taken.

Here is Great Grandpa Frank Weiss and my Great Grandma on their wedding day. I do not remember my great grandpa but I have lots of fun memories with my great grandma. Picture me at 18 (way back in '86) learning how to drive in my dad's massive 1965 impala convertible with my tiny, tiny 90 year old great grandma next to me. Just me and her. I get stuck in an alleyway in Lake Elmo and could not get out. My grandma's wig kept moving around every time I would jerk the car back and forth. Ha ha. Crazy. She later confided to my dad that I was kind of a wild driver.

Here is my grandpa Weiss in 1950. The grandpa I dreamed about the other day. My dad's dad. He is on the far left. He would bring donuts to my dad's house every Tuesday morning and they would sit, drink coffee, and eat doughnuts.

And my mom and dad in highschool about 1962?

My healthy handsome dad in 1965 before his life spiraled down hill with huge bad choices. He is holding my oldest sister, Heidi.

My dad the day I graduated in 1986. One of the few pictures I have of him. I am on the right and my sister Tammy on the left. He was 42 here.

Me in college around 1988-9?

My wedding day 1993 with my flower girl, Jessica.

Jeff and myself a few years ago.

Fun pictures.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's Really Fantastic

Saw your blog post.

It's really fantastic.

That was sarcastic,

Cause you write like a spastic.

I have not laughed like this for a long time!

But still I have no shame!

Blog on, Dude!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Few Worries and a Few Bags

I put my sewing away in June after our family difficulty. I just lost all my steam and excitement to do much of anything but sit, sleep, and worry. I did remember to pray. Things are still difficult.

Even though a few others have hinted that they have observed a change of heart in the child in question, I have not seen it. I have of late, witnessed the child struggling with circumstances now not to the child's liking. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and I guess our side of the fence has become much greener lately. I have observed a child trying to squirm out of current problems.

What I have not seen is a heart of humbleness, of true repentance, or an acceptance of wrong. I still see anger, pride, self justification. I am sad. I lack wisdom. I do not know what to do. I fear making the wrong decision. I fear permanently crushing an already bruised reed. But then I fear not letting the bruised reed heal in God's gentle care by grabbing it away and taping it up myself. I fear the judgments of others. I worry for the other children in Fryeville.

I still have not taken out my sewing yet. I have put my energy into the entryway for a few days. That is me peeking my head out of my shell a little bit. This week is the Waseca County Fair. I'll peek my head out even a little bit more. These are the last things I sewed before the machines were put away.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy