Thursday, October 29, 2009

Princess Costumes Part II

So, I tackled the tulle skirts last night. Next,the princess t-shirts. I was not sure exactly how to go about this.I had lots of tie-dye dye left over from my last year's tie-dye craze. Remember that craze? Anyway,I was thinking I would use that to dye each t-shirt to match each skirt. Lots of work. Elena to my rescue! She suggested I put the dye in a spray bottle and spray the dye on. What a terrific idea! Here is what we came up with. Thanks Elena!!!

Here is a ruff look at the final costume. Not real fancy but the girls will like them. These were inexpensive to make considering I had to make six costumes.

I should have had the girls each make there own t-shirt but I did not.They would have loved it. I thought it would be too messy and we only had one spray bottle. Maybe, if it was summer and I was feeling relaxed I would have.Instead it was cold out and I was kind of on edge today. I did have a lot of helpers and a lot of creative input,though.

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