Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I was wiping out the fridge today and thought maybe you would enjoy seeing what the fridge of a family of 16 looks like especially towards the end of the month.

Isn't this sad!? I only threw out 6 pieces of old crust bread,a few slices of old lunch meat, and I took out the whole chicken to put in the oven for dinner as I was wiping it out. What you see here represents what our fridge looks like the a lot of the time give or take a few items and usually with spills or sticky mess . We go through food so fast, it is hard to keep the fridge stocked full. One thing is for sure, we do not waste much and rarely have leftovers to store. Do not worry. I still have a full day of meals for tomorrow: Hot cereal for breakfast,P & J sandwiches for lunch, popcorn for a snack, and after the chicken (tonight's dinner) is all carved up I will put the bones in a stock pot to boil tomorrow for chicken and rice soup.

Elena was in the baking mood tonight so she set out to make chocolate chip scones.
I love this picture of Joel and Lily watching.

The scones were VERY good! Thanks Elena!

We squeeze a lot into our evenings and Lily seems to be involved in most all the activities. She pulled up a chair tonight to help me sew another quilt top.

Here is what I accomplished tonight.


  1. Oh wow! I WISH my fridge was that clean. Ours is a mess right now and seeing yours made me realize that today is a great day to clean it! We have a tiny apartment sized fridge in our home so it's always crammed full even if that's not much in there.

  2. I can't believe that refrigerator! WOW! It stresses me out when things get too low and then I start the whole, "Take me out to eat, honey...PLEASE?!" (The day may be coming when taking us out to eat is no longer feasible...ACK!)
    Thanks for stopping by the blog and I will definitely be frequenting here!
    ~Amy @ Raising Arrows
