Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where Did The Weekend Go?

It is already Sunday night! Where did the weekend go???

I am not a football fan. I bet I have never sat and watched a whole Super Bowl game in my life. I think Jeff would have watched tonight if we had a t.v. Being the absolutely awesome husband he is he loaded all the kids in the car late this afternoon and drove me to Mankato to visit not one but two fabric shops (each having specific sale items) and Walmart while he and the kids listened to the game on the radio. We then came home and I sewed while papa (I'll call Jeff papa just for fun today) and the kids listened to the last of the game while making pancakes. We are at the end of our month for food and for some reason we had an over abundance of pancake mix left so it was the third time this week we had pancakes. There were a few complaints mostly among the teens,though.

I will not show you all my new upcoming projects that were the result of my shopping trip today. I will show a few at a time as I sew them. Here was what I was working on tonight.

Isn't this just the CUTEST little Valentines bags you have ever seen?! I used the bag tutorial from Little Girl Pearl again. I changed her measurements just a little to make the purse smaller. I also was inspired by one of The Old Red Barn's posts and made a matching gift card for each bag. I am making five of these bags.

I had a little extra fabric left from the bags so I am going to try something very different looking. I am going to make a little girl Valentine skirt.I think it will turn out cute. Here is part of it cut out already.

My goal is to finish up the bags and skirt this afternoon and start on a pair of PJ's for Odell's birthday tomorrow. I will show you that when I am finished.I think she will REALLY like it.

I am going to turn over a new leaf Monday and start getting up at 5 am. Since I am a night owl (meaning I typicaly go to bed after 2 am) it probably will mean a few nights of little sleep but I hope my internal clock will re-adjust. I hope I can make it without being too crabby. This might be harder that when I gave up caffeinated coffee last year. (I did not give up decaf mocha's,though. One of my little pleasures)

In truth, I am actually writing this post Monday morning (8:30 am) but this post is yesterdays news so that it why I posted it under Sunday. I tend to back post most of the time. I did get up a little before five this morning and spent almost three frustrating hours listing stuff in my Etsy shop. I do not like that putzy work. I had many projects over the past month I finished but had not listed in my Etsy shop yet.At least it is done now. Off to shower,etc.. before I wake the kids up. Yes,they are late sleepers as well.

A Patchwork Mommy

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a football fan either. The boys watched the last 10 mins or so to see who was gonna win. We sound similar on the night owl thing. I actually didn't get hardly any sleep last night so I was up at 5 am. It would be hard for me to wake up that early though even if I was actually sleeping well. Late night is the only time I can get anything done, it seems like.

    Very pretty Valentine's bag:)
