Sunday, May 22, 2011

Random Weekend Stuff

What a weekend it has been.

Let's see...

This past week Jeff has been extra busy at work. I do not understand everything that goes on over at Thomson Reuters but I know a tiny tiny bit. The little I know was this past week and weekend was very important for a group of the people working on a main-frame project. I think there is a new system (?) going public on Monday so this last week there has been a lot of running tests to make sure the data transitions smoothly. Blah. I am sure I blotched the explanation up. I guess I do not know much about Jeff's job! Anyway, Jeff had to work pretty late Friday and most of Saturday.

In all of Jeff's 16 years at Thomson it has only been a few dozen or so Saturdays or late week nights Jeff has had to work. I am used to him being home to put the kids to bed. I'm so babied! I was getting a little stressed Friday evening thinking about the night ahead of me with the kids so what did I decide to do? Get the crew or as many who were interested and walk to McDonald's to get this old mom a much needed iced mocha and the kids to a treat as well.

I wish I had pictures. We had fun. I had a crew of 12 of my own children and a couple of the Grant and Alan's friends join us. Joyce wanted to stay home and enjoy a little quite and Elena was at a concert with her friends. It was part one of a battle of the bands concert at Club 3 Degrees.

Gee, I was such the proud mother duck with all my chicks. My kids do not read my blog so I can call them all my little chickadees without them rolling their eyes at me. The walk to McDonald's was just what I needed.

Saturday, Jeff went to work and then right when he got home took Elena to another concert. It was part two of a battle of the bands type concert up at Club 3 Degrees. There were so many good bands. Just in case you were interested, Love Out Loud won first place, Nicole Serrano won second, and Boiling Point won third. Elena was pretty exited because a former Skillet band member was one of the judges.

Saturday was such a pretty day. It started out rainy but by late afternoon the sun was out and the temperature was perfect!!!!

I shared the pictures of Lily, Grace, and Joel's tea party yesterday. Here are the rest of my Saturday random pictures.

Joel had an idea to make MacDonald's french fry bags for all the kids just in case, you know, they would have a need for such a thing. He revised his project from french fry bags to little popcorn bags. The kind one would get at a ball game or somewhere like that. I made him a big batch of popcorn and after he made bags for everyone he filled them up with the popcorn and passed them out.

Joel and Lily enjoying their popcorn.

A sweet picture of Naomi.

Grace playing her house game.

A cute picture of Lily and Grace.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

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