Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Self Government

Here is why I will never write books on parenting!

There have been a few 'issues of note' that have been creeping into the habits of my middle children this past year.

Things that on their own with one child would be easy to be dealt with but these 'issues of note' have spread to the group as a whole.

I guess I had not been as attentive as I thought I had been!

Anyway, these things are pretty minor in the scheme of possible issues we could be dealing with but still they make life a little hard.

I bet you are wondering what issues I am dealing with.

Things like working real hard on their chores when I am in the room but lazing off when I am in another part of the house.

Not taking 'no', correction, or discipline very well.

Walking away while I am still talking (Ok, while I am lecturing but still...)

The whole 'if the cat's away ,the mice will play (more like disobey)' type of behavior.

Fussing, attitudes.

Did I say ATTITUDES strong enough!?

Now these are not adoption issues.

They are kid issues.





Well, after the umpteenth time of more than half the children declaring muntany on old poor me it was time for one of my 'you WILL sit at the table and listen to mom' kind of talks.

All I could think of was the word self-government. The phrases obey mom or mind mom go in one ear and out the other.

So all I could think of was I want them all to practice the art of self-government.

I do not think the real definition means what I told them it means but mom's can do that can't they? Make up their own definitions?

My goal with my 'mom talk' was to point out that they are responsible to govern themselves within the parameters of God's rules and our house rules. Especially when no one is there watching over them.

Of course, they can chose to pick which rules they think are worth their time to follow and which they think stupid but the consequences will be waiting maybe not right away but the consequences will come.


Parenting is hard.

It is all about character, integrity, walking up right before our Lord, isn't it?

It is about raising children who can walk into their own future and be ready for the path God has set out for them.

I do not know.

Well my talk was met with a few tears, some quiet humility, a few half hidden smirks,and a few glazed over eyes.


Now it's time for a sandwich and lemonade on the front porch.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy


  1. I understand this very well:) It is all about character...and I usually see a turn about right when the Lord gets a hold of their hearts.

    Keep praying!

    PS Even if I don't comment much...I have enjoyed your blog:)

  2. Thanks Danielle! It is about character. I kind of feel like the blind leading the blind. I hope all is going well with you and your bunch! Enjoy the rest of your summer!!


  3. Oh how i can relate!!!!!!thanks for sharing!!!

  4. parenting is certainly a full time job, and no vacations and holidays either. But such a blessing, after many years of infertility, I try to remind myself that being a parent is indeed a privilege given to me by my Father.

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  5. Hi

    Can you send me a private email? I would love to tell you about a boy (10) from the Ukraine who is a disrupted agency is trying to find a home for him.

    kimmie28(at sign) (no spaces)
    or go to my blog and it is on my sidebar.
