Thursday, July 5, 2012

What A Fine Looking Young Man

Did the Fryes get a new black poodle?


I cut Alan's hair!

But Alan's pile of hair kind of looks like a poodle...

Alan before

Alan after

So handsome!!!

A fun side note: my dad bought me this sewing basket just about 24 years ago for Christmas! My dad died nineteen years ago which makes this basket a very special treasure. It is just one of only a handful of things that I have from my dad.

Now days it is home to our hair cutting supplies. Who could ever have looked ahead all those years to imagine it still being used!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom


  1. I take it the long hair got too hot? He looks great either way :-)

  2. Barb, I believe it was because he would rather use his money to buy a belt. We have a rule that if the kids want to venture away from the free home hair buzz they need to pay for half of the barber cost. I do know that he is very pleased with his choice so far. I am too. He is pleased that now he looks older than Grant. Alan is 15 and Grant 17 but Alan looks more like 17 now.
