Friday, June 5, 2009

Keeping Busy!

I worked on a few quilts this evening. The top two are completely finished and washed. The bottom bunny one is quilted but just needs the binding and to be washed.

I hope to get a few more quilts finished this weekend.


  1. I wanted to thank you again for the duck and frog fleece blanket that I won in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway. I received it a couple of days ago. I love it. It's so soft and pretty. I put some pictures of my baby brother and I cuddled up together with it on my blog if you would like to come and see. You might be interested in seeing what else I've been up to. My mom has recently taught me the french knot, blanket stitch, and the cross stitch. I just made my first sewing project, a drawstring bag. Sometime next week I hope to make a strawberry pot holder.

    I love your quilts. I hope to learn to make quilts one day too. I'll start learning on the sewing machine in a month or two. My says that after I get really good on the machine and do several projects on it, she might let take private lessons from this lady that teaches sewing to learn quilts because my mom doesn't yet.

    Thanks again. Hope to hear from you.

    My blog is

    My mom has a blog too. Hers is

  2. Oh, I also wanted to mention, in case you didn't know already, that we also homeschool too.

    And....I loved the Apple Valley Soap samples that you sent. It makes me want to learn to make soap. Thank you.
