Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sad Day

Yes, I was a HUGE Micheal Jackson fan in high school. Once I entered college my music tastes changed (I was into the Monkeys. TOTALLY great!) but my ears always perk up when I hear a Micheal Jackson song.

The news of Micheal Jackson's death has affected me in many different ways. Is it selfish to say the biggest way his death affected me was it reminded me of how time passes so quickly? It seems it was just a few days ago I was sitting in Mrs. Goldberg's 10Th grade English class not paying attention to the days lessons at all but looking at the clock figuring out what time it would be in California where Micheal Jackson lived. Or panicked when I heard his hair caught fire (don't laugh I was really worried). Or waiting to see if Friday Night Videos would play a Micheal video. How could that much time have passed so quickly?

I heard from the kids that Naomi said Micheal Jackson came to her home in Liberia and gave her family money. Interesting story. I'm not totally convinced that it really happened. Naomi was quite young when she entered the orphanage which meant she would have been too young to understand or remember such a visit, but maybe he did. Who am I to say it didn't really happen!

Here are a few of the kids watching a few Micheal videos on YouTube.They thought they were pretty neat. By Sunday we were watching Weird Al videos (I am sure you can draw the remember Eat It, don't you?) which they thought were even better.

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