Friday, March 12, 2010

A Gray Kinda Day

I am just in this edgy kind of mood today. Those kind of moods usually come with major headaches. I've been very sharp with the kids today. I am sure Jeff, Elena,Grant,Alan,and Cyrus are glad they are out of town today.

I was WAY over ambitious this week with my quilting goals. Here my first quilt sits only partly done. It is the biggest of all the quilts I have to quilt so after I finish up this one the rest will go fast.

Joel is a very touchy kid who knows very little of respecting the personal space of others.Usually Lily gets bothered when he is in her space too long hugging her or something but at this moment she is enjoying the brotherly affection.

I found a very long gray hair today. Two grey hairs,in fact. I just had to pull them out and measure them. They were each about 10 inches long!

To top it off, I thought I would try on a pair of jeans I wore before I was pregnant with Lily who is two years old. I will not say the size because that would be,well,too open for blog land.I will just say I am not a tiny lady size... Anyway, why I decided to do that right after I found the long gray hairs I do not know. Of course, they STILL DID NOT fit.

I think my headache is getting worse.

A Patchwork Mommy


  1. Oh the pain of jeans that used to fit. I understand that, sadly. I have a pair in the closet that I haven't worn for a couple of children and yet they stay right there, mocking me. I'm currently pregnant, but there they hang.

    Maybe after this one is born.

  2. Ah yes, I know those days. Sorry. I understand.
