Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Poky Little Puppy

I'm on my last back post which is actually not a back post at all because it is almost in 'real time'. Almost,anyway.

What do you think of my newest creation? I finished it up today.I changed the quilt design a little from my original plan but the change was a good change. I even backed the quilt with jean fabric. I had a few mishaps.One of which was not noticed until after I finished it {HUGE eye roll} so I had to take a bit of the quilt apart and re-do it. With that fixed I am very pleased with it!

and of course the cute little matching cloth book.

I already have about half of my Saggy Baggy Elephant quilt together.It will be just like the puppy one but the middle square will be Saggy Baggy Elephant instead of Poky.

A Patchwork Mommy


  1. Love all your quilts. How much do you usually sell one for?

  2. Summer,
    It all depends on the size. I'm very bad at knowing how to price quilts.I do not really keep track of the time or cost of materials. I think of you often when I sew. Here I am in the US indulging in my hobby and you sacrifice so much to give your life to the Ugandians as God is calling you to do.I hope you are doing ok so close to your move.

