Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shop Talk and a Few Other Things

This weekend I started to gather up all the fabric I was meaning to make baby blankets with. Here is the stack. This should be most everything except a few that I was planning to back with Minkee fabric.

I spent Sunday evening cutting our each into 32 x 32 pieces and then rounded up any flannel I had to use as the batting. I put it all away this evening to get the next 9 weeks of school planning done. I made about 120 copies of stuff just for Grant and Alan to get them through the next 9 weeks. I used up my printer ink and had to stop for the night. Two kids down,11 more to go. I will probably work on Easter skirts throughout the next few weeks in between school organizing and such.

I am supposed to be downsizing my fabric stash but I saw this unique fat quarter bundle the other day.What caught my eye was the gray snail fabric. It's not my usual fabric choice but I think it will be fun to think of something to make out of this fabric.

I was thinking of a small gift type of thing to send with my items that sell in my Etsy shop. Elena is great with paper crafts and made this up for me as an idea. I love it!! Good idea.

Our first fire of the year in our outside fire pit. Some of the kids were sitting out late talking. Alan is becoming an expert fire builder.

Hello little Lily!

She greeted me at the door when I came in from taking a picture of the fire pit. It is nice to be missed,isn't it?

Cyrus and Elena watching music videos of Barlowgirls and Stellar Kart,I think. Eventually the fire outside looked like more fun than the computer so they ventured out there to join the other kids.

A few things I almost forgot!

Jeff found a car! Hurray! It is red. Not bad for $600.00. I will take a picture of it soon.

Grant had his first day of baseball practice this afternoon. Things seemed to go well. He thinks it will be a good year.

A Patchwork Mommy


  1. The kids had a fire here the other night also. But they just took a skinny dead tree (that fell last fall) and just kept pushing it into the firepit as it burned....obviously they did it after I went to bed....I would have told them to cut it into pieces first! That happens when they are almost 20 years old! :)
    I guess if we didn't raise them to make their own choices, they would be living with us forever. :) At least they listened to me when I said, "no gasoline to start that fire!". :)

  2. I have a fun little table topper pattern I would be happy to send you....for using those great fat quarters...I think you could make a few of them out of that amount of fabric.
