Monday, April 23, 2012

A Random Post

Nothing other than random-ness for no reason.

I am just feeling random.

Today I moved our school table into the basement to teach the eight younger kids.It was a test run. I prefer to teach at the table in the dining room (our basement is kind of stinky and icky) but I lose my train of thought very easily and get SO distracted. The older kids finish their school earlier than the younger kids and it has been hard for them to stay in their rooms quiet for hours while I teach the younger kids. Moving into the basement really helped me to stay focused, proved to be a great sound buffer, and gave the bigger kids more places to 'chill'.

More random-ness...

I made granola for breakfast. Tasty.

I hung a florescent light above our basement school table.

The florescent light then crashed to the ground as the kids watched. I believe I stamped my foot and shouted pretty loud "Oh, man! Shoot! That stupid light!" Not good.

I took a nap on the couch and I am pretty sure I snored.

I mopped the kitchen floor.

Cleaned our food shelf. Not as hard as it sounds 'cause our food shelf is

Someone put a tomato in my iced coffee. Not good.

I passed a not so silent stinker(hehe) when Joel and I were chatting and walking our 'times around' the house for gym. It made him laugh a lot. Gee...I should do that more often.

I washed a gazillion loads of laundry.

I talked Naomi through how to plunge out our kitchen sink. The sink was clogged. She fixed it an was VERY pleased with herself.

I stole some food off of Joel and Lily's lunch plates when they were not looking then fluffed their remaining food up a bit so they would not notice. You will see it on my hips tomorrow.

And I walked around the house taking picture of random pretty things.


A Dragonfrye Mom


  1. CUTE blog! This post was so funny...I loved the one about the food stealing...I do that all the time! : )

  2. All the little grains of "Rice" that check this blog were a bit concerned so i am glad it was a moment of inspiration and not a stalker!!!
    Someone must have thought you needed vitamins in that iced coffee ;-)

  3. Natalie, Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!! The sad truth is I REALLY would benefit from someone stealing the food off of MY plate instead. Haha. Thievery (if that is a word even)never pays! I hope your family is well and I LOVE LOVE LOVED the gift!!!!!!!!!

  4. Melissa,

    You Shabby Farm Chick you! More posts! I demand more posts!! And I was thinking that creepy Raggedyanne lady on your blog proves thievery of children's food really has to stop.

    P.S. Grant confessed as being the tomato/iced coffee culpurate. Haha. I think he was preoccupied with fixing his hair, flexing his muscles, or something to really notice...did I just say that? Don't tell him.
