Saturday, April 21, 2012

What is Under the Cups?

Can you see what is under the two cups?

Look as long as you need to.

No peeking!

Now let's grab your paper and crayons and draw a picture of what you think you see under the cups.

Great job kids!

Let's move the cups so we can see more clearly.

How did you do?

Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we shall see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me know.

1 Corinthians 13:12

Warmly,A Dragonfrye Mom

Note: Look real close at the pictures the kids are drawing... I forgot to take a picture while they were actually coloring what they thought was under the cups. This picture was about 15 minutes later.

I am on top of things,you know.

Quick as a whip.

Sharp as a tack some say.


  1. Tina, I love your creativity! :)

  2. Thank you Erica!

    I had been thinking about this concerning myself about how sometimes it can be very hard for me to love others. I was in the shower that morning and this visualization came to my mind (I need things to be broken down simple sometimes. God is good at doing that for me)and I thought the kids would enjoy it as well,if not the lesson,eating the strawberries. Not sure if they all understood. Jeff came home from work just as we were starting and added some very good thoughts and also talked about the verse a few before this about what perfect love looks like.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!! I hope your family is doing well. I have been thinking of you a lot.
