Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sometimes It Is Just Easier To Say Yes

and I'm glad I did!

I was a little too lazy tired to help the kids make balloon kites but I got my biscuits off the couch to help anyway.

A little discussion taking place...

a cute tot

On your marks

Get set


The race is on

to see who can get their kite in the air

Lids left in the dust but enjoying the race just the same

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Hope

I find a lot of times life especially the difficulties I experience can cloud my passions, dreams,expectations,and my hopes of/for the future.

Some days I want to stand on the roof tops holding my breath not even wanting to blink as I look off into the future waiting for it to come. I want to get the first glimpse of the fulfilment of my hopes and dreams even though they are so far off they are still a tiny speck on the horizon.

Then there are days when my now reality, my sins and failings are such a heavy weight I can not do anything other than mourn what might never be. There are no passions,no dreams,no expectations,and no hopes for the future. I can not look off to the horizon. My heart can not bare to see the horizon void and empty and so far away.

Pretty dramatic,I know. I'm just like that. To be honest I really do not even know what I hope the future will bring. My only hope should be in Christ alone,but a lot of times it is not.It is in the things I think he has planned for me, or the things he can do for me.

Well,I hope these next few months as we pray and ask God to lead us in whatever it is he has in mind,that we will not loose heart.

That we will not loose heart as God digs deeper into the things hidden and lets our weaknesses and shortcomings be exposed. The digging and pruning is needed...required by the Gardner to produce in us more of him less of us.

That we would not loose heart if his revealed plan is something very different than what we would have hoped or thought we desired.

Or maybe that it is exactly what we desired but up close it looks like a mountain beyond our capability to climb.

Or even yet,his plan would be one of waiting...

Let us stand firm and rest in the fact that God's will whatever it may be is perfect and in that perfect will we will find a place that we wanted to be all along.


I wanted to include these two quotes that motivate me a great deal as I look to the future in hope...

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility” ~Kate D. Wiggins

A servant of God must stand so very much alone that he never realizes he is alone. In the early stages of the Christian life, disappointments will come— people who used to be lights will flicker out, and those who used to stand with us will turn away. We have to get so used to it that we will not even realize we are standing alone. Paul said, “. . . no one stood with me, but all forsook me . . . . But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me . . .” (2 Timothy 4:16-17 ). We must build our faith not on fading lights but on the Light that never fails. When “important” individuals go away we are sad, until we see that they are meant to go, so that only one thing is left for us to do— to look into the face of God for ourselves.

~Oswald Chambers

Summer Farewell!

Remember on Friday I wrote that I had a lot on my mind?

Well,the summation of all those thoughts comes to this:

I'm taking a Summer blog break!


First I have been convicted that my blog has been a source of pride in my life. Not that I am writing all kinds of hyped up half truths about my life to make me look good to all of you.


My blog has not been about the struggles of life in a large family,at least not lately. It has been about finding the pieces of beauty in my crazy days. Of course,it's about my sewing projects a well.

The pride I am struggling with is wanting to shine my own light in the world,not Christ's. Does that make sense?

Sometimes I also wonder, if I didn't have a blog would I still exist? Dramatic, I know, but I wonder. Kind of like the age old question 'if a tree fell in a forest and nobody was there to hear it,would it stil make a sound?' Blogging has been a part of my life since the summer of 2007. I had another blog before this one.


I am going to take a summer blog test.

I say I love blogging but is it the blogging I love or the attention from the blog that motivates me to blog?

The test is that I am going to open up a new blog that no one but myself and maybe Jeff can read for the summer. I will keep this blog here just the way it is so people can come back and poke around.

If I find I still love to blog at the end of August even when no one is around to read it I will transfer all my summer blog posts back to this blog and continue on. If that is not the case, I will just move on living a blogless life and I am sure I will be fine. Pretty good test,I think.

So this is my summer farewell!

I hope to see all of the this fall!


A Patchwork Mommy

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hello On A Friday

There is a lot on my mind that I want to share but the night is going way too fast so I will share another day

but I do have time for a few Friday pictures!!

Just about the perfect meal


I am very behind on laundry!!

This here is about ten loads.I have another in the washer as I write and two more waiting to dry. (no,we did not fix our dryer yet)

On the up side, yes our laundry room usually is clean like this even with ton of laundry waiting to be washed except on top of the dryer. There is usually a pile of clothes there. I did not do any quick pre picture clean up. The secret...having our tiny small laundry room on the main floor for all to see.

Dear blog friend Tracy, this always makes me smile!

I closed my Etsy Dragonfrye Supplies shop and my Etsy Lily Quilts shops last week. I moved some things over to my My Little Dragonfrye Etsy shop but will probably close that one as well sometime this year. Why? Well,we sat down and took a real good look at how my shops were doing and the conclusion was we were actually losing money. I was selling things but the only way they would sell was to under price them. I truthfully kind of figured that for a long while but did not want to face up to it. I do still have items that I already have made that I am working on listing as well as some projects to work on still so I have some time yet.I am somewhat sad but I will get over it. I have been wanting to simplify my life more anyway.


this pile is most all of my fabric book panels, baby blanket panels,and fabric book panel/blanket pairs that I put together to list in my My Little Dragonfrye shop. I originally had planned to make them and then sell them at some point but I will try to sell them this way instead.


A Patchwork Mommy