Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Am...

I am worn to a raveling.

~Beatrix Potter

Tired Mrs. Tittlemouse sleeping in her chair.

The difference between Mrs. Tittlemouse and me is she was actually hard at work cleaning up after the mess the bees and Mr Jackson made which in turn made her tired.

I just sat on the couch most of the day.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Not Much to Say

Today was one of those days!

Oh, the kids were just fine.

It was just one of those days I felt like my plans were not going well.

On top of that, someone bought my last yard of my cute Betty Boop flannel.

Ya! Doesn't sound bad does it?

That was a good thing but I spent two hours searching for that yard of Betty Boop and just could not find it!!

I must have messed up on my inventory.

It is just that I can almost visualize exactly where it was.

I can touch it in my mind but the reality is it is not where it is in my mind!

I do remember I did not put it back were I should have after the last customer bought a yard or did I really miss count the yards I started with and actually already sold the last yard?

Oh Betty, you caused me so much trouble tonight!

My mind is about to pop!

I have a headache.

Anyway, I refunded the money but what a hassle my inventory mistake made.

I need to do a better job in the future.

Hey, do you like my new blog look?

Why, thank you!

I like it as well!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Monday, October 29, 2012

End of a Sunday

I finished piecing the quilt I started on Friday.

Here it is all sandwiched and ready for quilting!

A close up.

No worries.

The yellow stuff around the outside of the quilt is not a third border but the wadding. Just thought I would mention that, just in case...

I thought since I was going to all the effort to take out the sewing machine I quilt with...well, what is one more!


Two terrific vintage Bambi pillowcases were passed on to me. I am sorry I forget who gave them to me.

I am pretty sure you were intending us to use them as actual pillowcases but I just could not.

I had a vision.

Here is what I am using one for. It is all ready for it's quilting moment.

Do not worry sweet Bambi and friends. You will be pleased with the final result.

Trust me.

The photo does not do it justice.

I was so exited as I was piecing this one that my heart was thumping very fast. (thumping...Thumper...get it?)


I hope to get these 'pretties' quilted sometime this week.


A Dragonfrye Mommy

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Let's Party!!

Those Rice's sure know how to throw an awesome shin-dig!!

Of course being of a Pooh brain lately, I remembered to whip my camera out only for the art project fun but nothing else.

But look at these little guys!!!

and some of the kids hard at work.

It was so much fun chillin' with such wonderful friends and having the privilege to meet new friends!

Thank you Rice Family!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Random Friday

I thought after the very emotional (stinky) week I had, starting on a quilt would be like making lemonade out of lemons.


I dug out this book

narrowed in on this pattern using 5 inch squares which I have lots of

and called it quits for the night after I made my 36 quilt squares.

but I took numerous breaks to chat with various kids and the fellow grown-up in my life.

Then there was a visit from a pretty pink pony

and then a mini photo shoot with two little kids who should really be in bed by now but I enjoy the company so I will keep them up.

Joel is designing his own quilt by the most popular place in the house...the dinning room heat vent.

Lily is not far from the heat vent (or me) enjoying popcorn big sis Elena made.

But it is time to clean up.

I hear Netflix calling my name...

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween Brick and Block Walk

Tonight eight of the kids and I went to the Halloween Brick and Block Walk in Downtown Waseca.

It was a lot of fun.

A lot of the downtown businesses stayed open late to let the kids trick or treat them.

Goofy enough, I forgot to take pictures of the kids before or actually during the block walk!

Missed opportunities!

I did get this one of Lily.


Six of the eight went off together ahead of me and rushed back home to eat their goodies.

I walked around with Joel and Lily and after the three of us stopped at a local Mexican restaurant. This was a real treat!!

Actually, I can not express how much this little restaurant stop was needed (mentally)for me personally.

Jeff joined the three of us on his way home from work.

I mentioned that I did not take any pictures before the block walk pictures but I remembered after we had gotten back from the restaurant!

Can you guess who is who? I know you 'locals' can but what about you non Wasecains?








Joel and Grace


Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Gift

What can I give Him
Poor as I am;
If I were a shepherd,
I would give Him a lamb.

If I were a wise man,
I would do my part.

But what can I give Him?
I will give Him my heart.

~ C. Rossetti

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I Was Not Zipping Tonight

I had a little bit of time tonight to use up some fabric remnant scraps I had acquired this past week.

This pretty fabric was from the bags of fabric my friend Connie passed on to me. I fell in love with it and thought it was too pretty to cut up into quilt squares or strips.

I think it is so old fashioned looking, dainty, and pretty.

This fringe I added was the perfect touch.

These next two skirts are remnants from the special order I sent out to Australia last week.

They are a part of the same Legacy Studio Nestled in the Branches fabric line that Josh used to make his pillow that I showed the other day.

Well, I think this was a good night in the sewing studio (aka: my dining room table) unlike the bicker atmosphere that was going on all around me.


I kind of wish I had ears that could turn off when I want them to...ha ha and my mouth as well...I guess my mouth I have more control over.

Zip those lips Tina!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bag Lady

A friend (Thanks Connie!) passed on a bunch of fabric scraps.

Two whole bags of beautiful scaps.

I was so excited to see a bunch of Debbie Mumm scraps.

I like Debbie Mumm!

So I went a little bag making crazy.

I think I put these scraps to good use.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Few Scraps

I had a few bird scraps leftover from an Etsy shop special order.

It's a special order all the way from Australia! Cool!

Josh put the bird scraps to very good use and made a wonderful pillow!

Great job Josh!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

And One More!!!

Birthday Wishes


Anya Elizabeth !!!

Happy 10th birthday Anya!!!

I LOVE you!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!




to Bob...Dad..Grandpa!!!!!

We made a 4 hour trek to The Moosejaw Lodge restaurant Saturday to


Jeff's dad's birthday.

Jeff's mom and dad

The cake

The whole half of the restaurant helped us sing Happy Birthday

Grandma and Lily

A princess Grace on her pony

Odell and Naomi experiencing the wind in their hair

My beautiful brown eyed girl.

Yes, Elena, beautiful.


Cousin Noah hoping to hit the jackpot

Nolan thinking he was born about 100 years too late

Um...candid pictures do not always portray what I want them to...

Aw my sweetie pies Grace, Joel, Lily and Naomi

and if you look close you can see Cyrus in the background sporting his 'fro-hawk'

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mom