Saturday, March 30, 2013

Panning for Gold Frye Style

Taking a trip west to see if we can find ourselves some gold!!

Our gold just happens to be a little more on the brightly colored side.

My Miner's shop offered a very good deal!

A half tablespoon of gold for two tablespoons of M&Ms.


A miner's meal...well, maybe a little more like a Hobo's meal but it works.


When dad got home from work he tried his hand at panning for gold.

I do not think he will quit his day job...

A Dragonfrye Mommy

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dentist Day!

Well, yesterday was our big dentist day.

The kids made it through.

There were a few cavities in the bunch after many years of cavity fee check-ups. Actually our cavity free record ended with the last group of check-ups six months ago. The interesting thing is the cavities are in teeth that were not sealed or the sealants wore off. I decided I like sealants because they are much cheaper than fillings! I am thinking that the sealants must have been hiding a few poor teeth brushers.

Lily was not one of the cavity kids!

She was very excited to go to the dentist and chose her outfit very carefully down to the necklace.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


It's been a few weeks since we visited!

Well, that is in part to sickness hitting our house, trying to be a little more on-top with schooling, my lack of socializing motivation, school purchase planning, not adjusted to the time change yet, and cabin fever setting in just a bit.

Maybe now that the weather is better I will replace my cabin fever with a more spring-y outlook.

Today was a very nice day so eight of the kids and I took a walk to HyVee to mail a few packages and pick out a tasty treat.

My tasty treat.

Naomi, Anya, and Grace

Joel and Josh

Odell and Ekie


Not pictured: Nolan. We saw him walking home from track practice and he joined us for a treat as well.


I like my kids.

A little mom gratitude bubbling up.

Tomorrow all fifteen children have dentist appointments. Yes! All in one day!!! Awesome!! Thumbs up to Prairie Dental Arts for being willing to block off some of their day just to fit the Frye kids in! Now, if we could just get the Medical clinic to be willing to do the would be easy.

And I can not forget to thank Jeff for being the designated dentist driver!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Monday, March 18, 2013

A New Project

I was off and sewing a new project this past week.

I had a pretty steady headache almost all of last week but during headache lulls and quite children every now and again, I got a little sewing done.

I decided on a sort of eye-spy scrappy quilt.

As you see I just have to sew my twelve 9 block strips together.

Here is a closer look at the different five inch squares I used

I think this dragonfly fabric will make a fun backing for this quilt.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Friday, March 15, 2013

Compliments From Ekie

Ekie snapped a few pictures of the kids playing outside the other day.

She is a budding photographer!





Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

M is For Monday

Josh (12) made Elena (18) this wonderful pillow.

It is very pretty.

He even included a zipper.

Josh is amazingly talented and Elena is very deserving of such a thoughtful, wonderful gift.

Fun news. I added my five quilts to my Etsy quilt shop and within 5 hours of them being listed I sold one!!!

I think that is a record for me.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Few AWESOME Quotes

Here are a few awesome Dual Survivor quotes from season 1 !

From Swamped:

Concerning Dave's wrestling an alligator (or was is a crocodile?)

"Here you run with the big dogs or you stay on the porch" ~Dave Canterbury

"If you're going to hang out in the swamp, leave your skirt at home." ~Dave Canterbury

From After the Storm:

Concerning Dave's quest to get honeycomb from Africanised bees for food.

"I know there are bees in there and that there are a lot of Africanised bees in the area but...I am as serious as a heart attack. I got netting in there. I've got tarp in there. We've got duck tape. I can get myself wrapped up so I don't get stung..." ~ Dave Canterbury

"I think Dave is simply being Dave. And like he puts up with me and my bare feet I will put up with him. Now if he loses his life he has given me permission to eat him which is good. That's a friendly gesture." ~Cory Lundin

" Full circle. What comes around goes around. Be dumb a**. Experience dumb a** consequences." ~Cody Lundin

I just think these two are just a hoot.

I am a sucker for semi mindless shows... but at least now I know covering myself with netting, a tarp, and duck tape will not keep Africanised bees from stinging.


On to my nine patch.

I decided on setting the nine patches on a point. It will look good!

I have them all sewn together. The quilt will be pretty big. Right now without a border the quilt measures around 44" x 50". I will dig around my mounds of random fabric to see if I can find a suitable border.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Unmotivated Week

I have been kind of unmotivated to blog this past week.

I have been very tired. Maybe I am coming down with a cold or something.

It could be the late winter blues...

I spent a good amount of my spare time planing our next year of home school needs this week. It is pretty sad because now both Elena who graduated in '12 and Grant who graduates this spring are dropped from my home school planning schedule for this next year. Wow. I wish I could rewind the years a bit. I did not do 1/100th of what I wanted to do with them. Gal-darn that time goes WAY to fast.

I also realised that even some of my history home school textbooks that I still consider new I actually bought back many years ago or so. Gee, I guess Bush is not just newly elected is he? It seems like I just bought them for Elena yesterday but have now been used by at least seven other children. Time to update? No, I will wait...

Today the HeavenWord Handler performance team (ten of which are our kids) ends their six week tour of halftime shows.

They traveled to Rochester for the Northern Sun (NSIC) Conference tournament today. They performed at the women’s championship game at 3pm (MSU-Mankato vs. Augustana) and the men’s championship game at 5:30pm (Bemidji State vs. MSU-Mankato).

I stayed home with Lily, Grace, Joel, and Josiah. Josiah was very sweet. He picked out a video from the Library for the three not so little little kids to watch with him. I think it was a lonely day for Josiah with all the other kids gone. I let him play xbox to his heat's content which was actually a long time. Josiah is very much a people person.

The quiet gave me a little time to finish binding those five quilts so I could get them in my Etsy store. After I finished those I moved on to my nine patch quilt squares.

I am not sure how I should lay them out. I ended up with 32 6 1/2 inch nine patch squares. I could lay them out like this but then the quilt would be a bit small. I think Jeff would appreciate it a little bigger. I would too...

I will think about it over night and see if I get any inspirations.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Replacing This Little Guy

cost us around $34.00 but now our bathtub is leak free.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Even Leaks Can Build Character...

Recall the surprise fat quarters Jeff brought home for me last week?

Here is what I have done so far.

I thought a beautiful nine patch quilt would be perfect for those four beauties!

I had just enough of the off-white fabric with the light brown vines in my stash to use in the nine patches as well. It is perfect!

That was my evening accomplishment on Friday evening.

I was planning on getting a little more done today but I slept in and then tackled a leaky bathtub faucet. It was such a bad leak the water ran even when the faucet was turned off like I was filling the tub up using up our hot water. I could not repair it because we needed to buy a new cartridge. I knew that going into the project. My intention was to just patch it up until I could get to the store in a few days. In theory it should only be a twenty minute job, right? Four hours later between Alan, Josh, Nolan, and myself putting our thinking caps on the patch worked. Ok, I cried a bit,too. Maybe if Charlie's Hardware is open tomorrow I will get the cartridge and be done with it so I can get back to other things.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jeff Speaks

As ‘tradition’ ends, a list of Wrigley Field’s worst seventh inning stretch conductors

and #1 on the list...

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne — August 17, 2003

"I think my days of following the Cubs were the best when I could watch Harry Caray sing that myself. Just a look back at my life back then...I recall often being in my room doing something else while listening to the game, then once the 7th inning stretch came on I would come out and watch that on TV then the last few innings of the game. Maybe that's how I got in the habit of watching the end of games instead of the beginning."

~Jeff Frye

Good memories

Harry Caray in 1985

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy