Monday, August 11, 2014

A Few More Projects

I was racing to get in a few more Etsy shop projects finished before the sewing machines go back onto their shelves. Now I will focus on homeschooling. I get very distracted when my machines are out. I took a few week schooling break with the eight youngest ones. When the Waseca County Fair rolls around, it is hard to want to keep up with school. Every year I think I can fit it all in. One year I will actually learn to not schedule school Mid July to Mid August. As my scheduling goes now, we are three weeks behind. I will just scribble out the past dates and pop in new ones. That will work.

The table is now cleared off. I will spend this week correcting the kids work books, help where they need help, finish putting the rest of my sewing paraphernalia away, and look ahead to my fall schooling plans.

Cyrus, Nolan, and Josiah have a big week head of them with football practice. It is Josiah's Sr year and I want him to soak it all in. Nolan's practices will be more intense than years past because he is in 9th grade now. It is a big deal. Cyrus might get the opportunity to play on the varsity football team with Josiah even though he is in 10th grade. It will be a big football year!!

Did I mention Grant will be moving out at the end of August? Oh, I will miss him SO very much!! Joyce is already out of the house so we will soon be down to only 13 children at home! I bet this coming year Elena will fly the nest,as well. Gee, then with Alan and Josiah graduating high school spring 2015...we could have only ten at home come next fall. The years have flown by. They have not all been easy years with this past year being one of the hardest, but we will look back and think our lives were spent well. I hope we will,at least.

Here are the projects I finished the past few weeks.

I made this bag for myself. I really like it. It is pleather. Good feeling pleather. It actually kind of smells like leather. I wonder if the manufacturers did that on purpose? I plan to offer a made to order one in my shop, because I have enough of the materials to make a duplicate.

I finished these two skirts a few weeks ago.

This dress I finished yesterday. The dress is made from a pattern I purchased from a Hawaiian company. It is a version of a muumuu dress.

Very cute! I wanted Lily to wear a black long sleeve t-shirt under it to make it more Christmas-y because that was the look I was going for but Walmart did not have their long sleeve tops out yet. These pictures are cute, though.

Happy Week!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

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