Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Dragonfrye Beginning

It has been over a year and I decided to resurrect my blog.

I actually closed my old blog down and am SO glad I took the time to save everything and that blogger has the export/import option. Even though I am starting up a brand new blog, I imported all my old blog posts. 

My blog and my life have had many revamps and changes since I started in 2008. The old stuff still might be helpful or at least comical to others. So if you venture back in the depths of my blog, enjoy! Laughing and eye rolling are allowed! I have been looking over some posts and did a few eye rolls, I mumbled a few "jeepers, did I really write that!". In-between all that, there is the adorableness of those Frye kids ,like here,  and our journey from my little perched view.

My main reason in restarting my blog is to talk...to myself. Ha-ha. It is a small voice talking about mostly unimportant things, but things that please me. Nothing that will change the course of history but that is ok. I have been posting on Facebook more which I enjoy, but not everything I want to ramble on about is Facebook interesting. And I love pictures! Pictures of my life, of my days. My view of this little spot in the world, right here where I sit. All my random goofy things that make me...well...me. 

My life has changed a little since I ended my blog in 2014. The kids have grown, some Frye drama, a few kids have left the nest. I have grayed (a lot), but also lost a few pounds. Yep indeed, I did. Still looking pudgy but better than before. Good trade off, though. A few gray for a few pounds. I will just start blogging like I never left and every once in a while fill in the gaps of this past year. Some of my new posts might mirror what I have posted on Facebook but eventually not so much.

I think I picked out a pretty good title for my blog. A Dragonfrye Beginning. It pretty much describes my spot in life right now. I could have called it A Dragonfrye Unsettling. That would have even more fitting. I am not fond of this point in my life. It really is unsettling but that is why it is a beginning for me. I have been through many unsettling points in my life but none like this. This is just different. Not sure how to even describe it, maybe it's just middle age. Not sure...  

Awesome  quote that pretty much fits where I am at right now,

“Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.”

~ from the movie Hope Floats

Now it was a big deal to decide what my very first picture would be on my very first post in over a year. It seriously was. I decided to go ahead and add the picture I was thinking of putting on Facebook. The lunch I made for the kids yesterday. Homemade biscuits and sausage gravy from scratch on my favorite plate.

Why this picture? I'm not sure. It is kind of a homey, cozy meal. A blog fitting meal. It is on my special, happy plate. I like my plate. Crazy, but my plate is almost like an old friend. Ok, yes, that does sound a tad crazy. A "jeepers, did I really write that!" kind of crazy.

Now, I know that this is the perfect picture choice! A perfect re-introduction to me and my blog!!

Welcome back!!! 


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