Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Been A While!!

Since we had a working stove top, that is.

Over two years in fact!

For over two years we had only one working burner and even that burner did not work all the time.

I am used to cooking for the family that way and now I have to re-learn.

Not a difficult dilemma, I would say.

Maybe my cooking will actually improve now!

And look I am using TWO burners!!! This seems SO eccentric!!

I am REAL thankful for this stove!

An extra bonus is that the stove top is glass and not just the electric coils.

See what a little (lots of) waiting and $75.00 can get?!

A blessing!!!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy


  1. Yeah for two burners!

    (have you thought about freecycle?) When we adopted a sibling group of 3, I was blessed with a fridge for the garage though freecycle. It turned out the woman just wanted to update her kitchen, it was no longer the right color for her. It blessed us immensely and made shopping/meal planning so much easier.

    Let me know if you don't know about freecycle.

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  2. Okay, Tina, you truly put me to shame! I'm over here whining about not having a dishwasher, and you've managed to make do with one burner! You are truly amazing and I hope Jeff & the kids appreciate all you do!

  3. Kimmie two fridges and a bigger freezer are next on my dream waiting list! I have never checked out freecycle. I will check into it. Thanks! I see you opened up your family blog! I love your background!

    Barb, It is frusterating when the normal flow of life the way we are used to gets inturupted like that so whine away! I totaly unerstand! A dishwasher,now that is a few dream lists away for me! We have not had one for years and years and funny I myself hardly wash any dishes. Jeff does his share,though. But the kids do the bulk of the dishes. It is not so bad because the way we have the chores figured out each kid does the bulk of the dishes/kitchen one week every every 11 weeks. Not so bad. Now that I have four burners to cook on the dirty pans might increase in number!

    I was thinking that it looks like we were getting ready to dye Easter eggs in the picture. I was boiling 3 dozen eggg. They only lasted a day.
