Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hurray!!!!! I Am Back At It!!!!

After about seven months being totally computer less we have a computer!!!

It is almost too hard to believe. Ha! I started in May doing a blog experiment as you probably read a few posts down but just a few days after my experiment started our laptop bit the dust. I did not think it would take us all this time to be able to buy a new computer but it did. Lots and lots (did I say LOTS?) of unexpected expenses trumped the purchase of our little buddy here. After a few months of the kids and I grieving and going through computer withdrawals things were not so bad. I actually did not mind the computer/blog break. I then thought I would just keep up with pictures and then back post everything but within days of our computer breaking so did our two cameras! Blah! Maybe God was telling me something? Actually, I know he was. (Maybe I'll share some of that at another time) Well,as a few weeks ago I am also back behind the lens of a new camera so I have a few back posts to share but our whole summer and fall are stored only in our memories.

Anyway, I did do some blog thinking over the past months and thought maybe blogging wasn't me anymore. I really do not have much to write that is worth others reading anyway. Besides maybe blogging is so 'yesterday' and most everyone I know is Facebooking. BUT I just very much enjoy reading my own blog (I always have been my greatest fan) and writing about our days. You know "count your blessing name them one by one. Count your many blessings and see what God has done". It has been good for me to pull out the nuggets that happen throughout my days because some days the nuggets are SO tiny it is like panning for gold in my bathtub!

What encouraged me to continue blogging was this beautiful little Chinese proverb I read a while back:

A bird does not sing
because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.

I LOVE that saying!!

I do have a song!

My song is my life.

Sometimes it is soft and sweet. Sometimes it is pretty out of tune and hard on the ears but I do have a song. So my blog is my song sung to The Lord and my family and to those who might care to hear.

Ok! Let the blogging begin!!!!

P.S Just a FYI The posts between My October 17th post and this one are my back posts.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy


  1. What a beautiful post...
    Blessings on you as you begin your blogging again...and may God give you joy and peace in doing it. : )
