Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Wednesday Night

Here are highlights of our second Wednesday night home church group.

We SO need to find a better name for it!

Dad's Bible lesson.

A few of the kids role playing.

Working on a project

A little impromptu mentoring...don't say anything like 'how sweet'. Trust me. It wrecks the mood. I just know.

The 'braiding' of the bread.

Someone is pleased with his braiding!

This will be a good treat!

Hot potato!!

Ok, I just HAD to include this video!


We are some crazy cats!!!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy


Wondering what Jeff taught about?

He talked about compassion using the story of Jesus healing the lame man (found in John 5) as illustration.

We made sleeping mats out of construction paper.

Worked on memorizing:

Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other,just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Worked on a word search.

We made Challah bread.

Colored, sang, and prayed.

We are still fine tuning everything but this is a fun time!


  1. thank you!
    This is a great witness.

  2. This looks like a FUN Bible study. I don't remember my Bible studies as a kid being anywhere close to this much fun. Hmmmmm... I think I need a rewind :).

  3. Tina,

    Looks like a great evening--especially like the dancing!

    Could I take you out for coffee some day next week?

