Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I did get a few projects done this weekend. Thanks to Jeff for doing the majority of the parenting so I could disappear for a while.

As you might remember I am closing up my shop. It is pretty pricey to have my own .com and I figure between Ebay,Etsy,and a few blog shops I can accomplish the same thing as my shop but MUCH cheaper! I did learn alot this past year though.I know how to work Paypal and am learning a little more about working with my computer paint program and photo bucket to make some fun images.So that being said here are my three new sites but you will recognise the few things I have listed already.What was REALLY fun was figuring out the look of each shop.

Here is my new

Dragonfrye Quilts

My second shop is the same name as my Etsy shop but has a few different things on it

My Little Dragonfrye

my third is

The Holidays On Dragonfrye Hill

It was hard to narrow things down to just a few shops because I move very quickly from one project to another that do not really seem to relate.I do know that I very much enjoy making quilts and those tiny tots are so fun to make things for!


In other fun snowed up here in Minnesota today.Can you believe that!

I made a batch of homemade rice pudding today.SO good!It was daunting to think of making enough for all 16 of us so I just made a small amount and sat in my bedroom with a few of the kids and we ate it all!So good!Can rice pudding be declared a hot breakfast cereal?


Do you ever have those moments that one of your children does something that totaly shocks you (not in a good shocking way) so much that you are rendered speechless for a while and then great sadness sets in?We had that happen this weekend.It began a few weeks ago on Anya's birthday.One of her gifts from us was a big bag of peanut m & ms.It was rapped but when it came time for her to open her gifts we could not find it.We had been looking and looking and finally bought her a replacement bag.

Forward to yesterday...

There was a rumor going around that a particular person had a bunch of peanut M & Ms under their bed about a week after Anya's birthday.The rumor also contained a claim that mom gave this person a special surprise and that was how the M & Ms got under the bed. Hmmm...

Within the rumor it was also said that this same child all of the sudden had been in possession of 18 cookies from the freezer which said person shared with fellow roommates claiming it was a gift from mom and dad but if the roommates told anyone else they would be in big trouble.

Now I know rumors can get out of hand and are not always true but these were huge rumors.I asked (very firmly )the child if this was true and the child denied the rumors.I pressed a little further and then yes the child said he/she was in possession of the goodies in question but they was given to her by another child.I pressed further and the tears started flowing like I had never seen on this child.The child even got on bended knee begging for forgiveness.Yes,it was true that child stole Anya's birthday M & Ms and the cookies with no help from anyone else.I am still in shock that the child would do that.What goes through my mind is were there smaller things that were taken that made these big things easier to take?It was this very child who was the first to notice Anya's gift was gone and looked very hard for it. I know we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, even our children.We all need Christ's forgiveness.I know that.This child does not have Christ in his/her heart.This is pretty big.What if we handled It wrong?What if this type of behavior keeps happening?I am just so sad when I think about it.I do not want to put a label on this child and watch him/her like a hawk but maybe I do need to do that.What to do...

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