Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Be You!

Each of my fourteen children are very special and very unique. Some have similarities in personality or interests but God made each of them uniquely themselves!

I have a daughter who is crazy for concerts. She loves going to the smaller Christian band concerts where she can meet the band members and talk with them.

She does not wear much makeup but she really likes black eyeliner,band t-shirts,black combat looking boots, and skinny black jeans. Nothing immodest just uniquely her. I let her wear them.

Why? Because it is a part of her figuring out who she is. Yes, she is a child of God. She knows that but she is also not a cookie cutout of me, her dad, or her sibling. I am not worried that she will turn all 'goth' (as she calls it. Wasn't it punk back in the day?) on us.

She loves the Lord very much.

I just love watching her grow up and blossom into her own person. I am very proud of her.

She won't always be in this phase of her life. Much like when she moved on from playing mommy and house to bigger kid things.

She will finish school, probably go on to college, get a job, get married, start her own family. She will keep walking farther and farther down the path God has set out for her.

But, I will miss these days.

And a very neat thing is her dad brought her to most every concert. He will never get tired of doing this for her. She does not get embarrassed by him even when he dances.

All that pondering was brought on by these pictures I found on my camera. She must have had a band memorabilia photo shoot.

Her Stellar Kart memorabilia

Her autographed Stellar Kart stuff.

Remedy Drive things

Hawk Nelson

Band T-shirts photo one

The rest of her band t-shirts

Her autographed CD collection

All of her cds

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're great parents! Love that you embrace their individuality!
