Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Getting Green!

The more snow that melts the more exited the kids are getting to see green!

I'm not sure how many more containers I have left for the kids to use to plant things in but it sure has kept them busy the past week.

Now Joel keeps up-rooting his bean plants and Lily keeps over-watering her garden as well as everyone else's gardens.

I have been reminding the bigger kids quite strongly over and over 'do NOT give Lily any more cups of water even if she insists she is thirsty.' Once she gets a cup of water in her little toddler hands she makes a b-line to water the gardens. If she is really thirsty I will give her a drink.

Josh planted this garden for me. In the middle there will be pretty flowers. There will also be green peppers,cilantro,chives,and Basil around the edges. I also rescued two of Joel's up-rooted bean plants. Yes,all of that in this here small planter. I know you can visualized the outcome,but the fun is in the anticipation of seeing those first few little green stems peeking out.

Every gardener needs a bright yellow watering can don't they? Good thing Lily is not strong enough to lift it.

And we promise Peter Rabbit, if you need to hide from Mr McGregor you can hide in our watering can. We won't mind. No,not one bit!

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

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