Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Silver Lining?

"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily.

"If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.

"Why, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing. We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it."

"Can't all what?" said Pooh, rubbing his nose.

"Gaiety. Song-and-dance. Here we go round the mulberry bush."

I apologize for my blog shut down for a few weeks.

I really could not decide if I should keep my blog up so I disabled it for a bit.

I had had a few very discouraging weeks.

I am not the person I thought I would be at this stage in my life.

I am not the person I want to be.

I am tired.

I am frustrated with myself.

I am frustrated with my life.

I am frustrated with EVERYTHING!

I feel stuck in a rut with no strength to get out.


This middle age stuff is just so hard.

No matter how hard I fight, stamp my feet and refuse to face it, my life is plowing forward.

Can someone make it stop!

I want a do-over.

I was being very pout-ish and fussy because well...

Sometimes...well...Jeff and I do not get along.

I think we know each other less now than we did 19 years ago.

Sometimes...well...the weaknesses of the kids are too much for me to face

and the conflicts come like a rapid fire machine gun.

Sometimes...well...I can not see beyond my own weaknesses.

I feel sort-of alone.

I am not the most sought after person in the blog world.

Or the Etsy world,either.

Ha ha.

What a discouraging post!

So where is the silver lining, you ask?

How did I turn the corner to realize that the sun was shining this whole time and it was me just walking around with my eyes closed?

You are waiting for the happily ever after part?




God is not afraid to point out areas in my life that need to change, thought patterns that need to shift, behaviors that need to be abandoned.

God is not afraid to call things for what they are. God has the perfect combination of firm mixed with gentleness.  I like that about God.

God knows that sometimes hope and hard work go hand in hand.

And God knows me!

"Praise the Lord,
for he has shown me his
unfailing love.
He kept me safe when my city (mind) was under attack.
In sudden fear I had cried out,
"I have been cut off from the Lord!"
But you heard my cry for mercy
and answered my call for help.

Psalm  31:21-22

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Okay, it's been, what, three weeks since your post? I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying reading your blog. Guess how I came upon it? Hmmm, I *think* you left a comment on a blog about adoptions from Russia, which I followed over from His Hands His Feet Today. It doesn't really matter, I just noticed you'd written about all your children and I wanted to read more! We have six, three were adopted as newborns. I wanted to encourage you that there's at least one other "you" out there and it would be me. This particular post just could have been written by me, and surely they have been my thoughts off and on the past year and a half. Just, life sometimes gets so hard and at times it seems God is my only friend who knows EXACTLY what's going on. And yet, He is the Only Friend, or the most important One we need, right? Please keep blogging (I see you have been, but keep it up). I'll be back. ;)
    Hugs to you from a busy, tired, happy, homeschooling, never getting it right, yet never totally failing because of Jesus, mom in Texas
