Saturday, May 18, 2013

And One Thing Leads To Another

My table schooled kids (meaning the two who sit at the table among my sewing to do their school instead of beds,various couches, floor, front porch swing, or any other desirable cozy spot...) were already hard at their school for the day when I noticed Lily looking adorable in my winter hat.

It was just the motivation for me to get out my camera and snap a picture of her.

Which led to this picture of Joel sitting next to her doing his school.

I then turned around to snap a picture of Anya finishing up her kitchen chore. It does not look like she is having much fun, does it? Kitchen chore week comes once every ten weeks for each kid on the regular chore schedule but those ten weeks speed by way to fast.

I noticed my little pre/kindergartner is off her chair and playing with one of the baby kitties.

Which leads to this picture. My Favorite.

Now I am kind of antsy so I call an end to our school day and a bunch of us walk down to a garage sale at our Waseca fair grounds.

Good times. The kids bought some fun toys and clothes.

Josh found a bike that he said is just what he had been hoping for.

I am always on the look-out for vintage sewing patterns or fabric or kids books. None of that but I did find a few treasures.

A bike fixing book. I would not mind adding bike fixing to my list of 'things I know how to do'.

Ok. I know. I know. Why do I 'the mom' need this! But how could I resist!! I am a kid at heart.

My garage sale items photo shoot lead me to needing a quilt to put my items on.

Out came this quilt.

It is one of the first quilts that I made. I made it for Grant when he was a baby almost 18 years ago.

I really had no clue what I was doing and the quilt was not quite usable which explains the preserved condition it is all these years later.

I used extra fabrics from Elena's baby quilt, fabric from baby dresses I made Elena, and even some of my left over Bridesmaids dress fabric for the quilt. I went cotton calico for my bridesmaids' dresses and made the dresses myself. choice of fabric could have been much better and my sewing skills were not very developed so my bridesmaids deserved a medal of honor for being seen in public in those dresses.

Now that the quilt photo shoot is over, let's see how my Mother's Day flowers are doing...

Lokking very pretty.

...and one thing lead to another in the life of 'me' today...

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

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