Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Always Something To Say

I always have some sort of goofy rambling blog thing to share.

Of course, today is no different.

Most of the time it is hard to pick and choose.

No fun picking and choosing.

So I usually don't.

And I know a few of you have stuck around over the years so my blog must be kind of ok...


This story might help explain me a bit.

The other day I tried to give one of my kids a visual picture of what it was like having my mind.

Imagine standing on one side of a gymnasium. Now imagine someone dropped thousands of balls from the ceiling and the balls are bouncing around like crazy and instead of the balls each losing their bounciness their bounce gets stronger. Your job is to get to the other side of the gym. Just simply walk across the gym floor. One side to the other. Sounds easy but those balls keep bouncing and it can be very hard to focus on anything but the bouncing balls. Sometimes it can even be hard to see your hand held out right in front of your face. The noise,the chaos,the craziness of those bouncing balls. That is me. That is my mind. I have always been that way.

Ha ha.

It sounds like I am describe just plain ol' being a mom and trying to get things done with the kids around.

It can be just like that,can't it?

Just in my case I have been this way since I can remember.

Having the large family I do has actually helped me get a little bit better at focusing.

Anyway, not a surprise my blog reflects my crazy chaotic mind!

On to the day's pictures!!

Tuna will make the crankiest cat kind(ish).

Patches and Loki

Joel's Garden of Eden in clay

A few blankets off soon to their 'baby owners'.

Ok, I had this awesome idea to try to give my hair some sort of rich brown tones.

Guess what I used?

Guess what made a HUGE HUGE mess?

Guess what I will not do again anytime soon?

Coffee grounds rubbed all over my head was NOT the way to do it.

Who knew?

My eldest did.

I should have googled it first.

I would have appeared much smarter.

Lily, that sweetie pie, tried to reassure me that my gray was now not as bright.

I kind of think I set her up to fib out of love for her dear old mom.

Not a good mom.

Pictured below:

My 'not as bright' gray.

I noticed one of the girls Barbies had on this AWESOME BEAUTIFUL dress!!!

What a gem!!

Where in the world did this dress come from?

I stripped Barbie naked.

Sorry Barbie.

Is it mean for me to keep the dress?

Can I hide it?

I think I can use one of my a-line girl dress patterns I have and add the inserts to recreate a dress that has a similar look.

Mine will not have sleeves and maybe not a collar...although I could do a collar...thinking...

I was pinned today!!!!

My very first pin.

That does not make me an Internet celeb, though.

I was humbled by a child of mine who knows about pinning.

My pinned Etsy Sock Monkey dress.

P.S: I keep forgetting to put deodorant on. What is my deal? Who does that? I was never like that before. My poor family. At least today I smelled strongly of coffee.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy


  1. I came over from visionarywomanhood to find out more about you. I was pleasant surprised by your sense of humor. :) And I am on your team, I forget to put deodorant too. :) So what do you use to teach your kids more independently. This past school year I began using Easy Peasy allinonehomeschool website with the oldest 2 (11 and 8 y.o.) thinking it would make them to be less dependent on me and I have had more melt downs than when we were unschooling. :(

  2. This one pretty much hits the nail on the head as far as crazy-brain goes: https://xkcd.com/1106/

    And I don't know if I've ever commented here before, but love your blog - you all have fun, it's inspiring!
