Saturday, March 3, 2012


I am now back onto the old Blogger interface. I am so glad I had a choice!!

My 'yesterday's' post took over two hours 'cause I could not figure out how to use the new interface.

Of course,this is a future dated post. I am really writing it in the wee hours of Friday morning.

I am tired so I will write this post and trust I will be able to access Blogger in a few days once I log off to go to sleep.

I wanted to show off my great breakfast.

Hard-boiled eggs (compliments once again from the Byrons) and big generous pieces of cinnamon coffee cake.

The smell is delicious.

Wish you were here,don't you?

This is how I serve most of our meals. I dish everything out before hand (for the sake of fairness). Ha ha. Saying 'serve yourself' to a growing teen somehow is translated into 'eat half the pan and leave everyone else the crumbs' and we have seven growing teens here. ;~}

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy


  1. Isn't that the truth!! THe part about eating half the pan!

  2. I know you can relate Barb! Lots of teens at your house as well! id you enjoy the relationships post I did? It was an idea from your blog a few years ago!

    Hope your week is going better. Backrubs and jellybeans do wonders!
