Friday, August 30, 2013

Skirts and a Poor Boy

I have a few different items made to photograph for my My Little Dragonfrye Etsy shop. I am experimenting with ways to photograph my items without depending on Lily as much. Ha ha. She is a busy girl with many things to accomplish during her days. Being mom's model is usually not on that list. But you are SO darn cute,Lily!!

Here are my test photographs of two of my skirts. I think the pictures look ok but not quite the way I want them to look. The impressive thing about these pictures is that I took them very late at night but look like I took them during the day. I wonder what they would look like if I actually used real daylight...I will keep working on it.

After I was done taking my pictures I found Joel like this on the couch.

The story is Joel was apparently pretending that he was a poor boy and needed to use newspapers as blankets and fell asleep playing his 'poor boy' game.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy


  1. I think the photos are excellent! Of course the skirts are cute too. Too bad I don't have a little girl.
