Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Peacefull Friday Evening Spent with Oreos

Jeff took a lot of the kids to the Morristown Dam Days parade this evening. I opted to stay home and have a little down time. I did not get much done but I did enjoy chatting with some of the kids who stayed behind. I also enjoyed a little special snack. I have not dunked Oreos in milk for years!

I have this wonderfully adorable mushroom fabric for sale in my Dragonfrye Supplies Etsy shop so I thought I would make a few things out of it this evening. I made an A-line dress and a bag. It is kind of like fabric shopping for free.

I thought my photos turned out very well so I will show you all of them!

Lucky day for you!!

Here is the dress.

And here is the bag.

Fun stuff!!

Enjoy your Saturday!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy