Wednesday, November 4, 2009

While The Rest Of The Kids Are Away...

it's toddler time!

This calls for the much loved hot chocolate pot and...

Some very sweet treats.

The table is all ready

For my very special guest!

I love you Lily!!!


  1. Awww! That hot chocolate pot is adorable. I bet you had a really sweet time :)

  2. You can tell your chocolate pot has been used!!!! :)
    I am looking forward to chocolate parties again....this time with my little grandson. Emily and I will still pull out her special Christmas tea set this winter and have a little party in memory of the years past.....with the tiny little cups and a pot of "tea" which was always just a boullion cube disolved in hot water with oyster cracker "sugar cubes"....just like my mommy made for my twin sister and me. :) And after that....we will have a latte! :)
