Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where Did She Go?

Have you wondered where I went this past week that I was not blogging? I have just not been very motivated lately. I think I have been a little blue this past week. Now I seem to be catching a cold!

I did not think to get more than a few Thanksgiving pictures. I was too lazy to round up the camera until the day was almost over. We had a very fun day,though. Jeff,Elena,Grant,and Alan did the cooking this year. I was able to sleep in and it was very nice! I did help with the table setting and clean up which I enjoy a little better than the actual cooking part.

Here are our only two pictures of Thanksgiving '09. Lily eating whipped cream from her hand. It is a sort of baby right of passage isn't it? Soon it will be followed with squirting the whipped cream right from the container into her mouth!

I took advantage of the extra few days of relaxing and finished up a few sewing projects.

Two baby blankets

I had enough extras from quilts that went to the cute baby girl twins that I was able to add those extras with other scraps I had around to make three more quilts.

Now this is a sneak peak for little Abigail Providence. I'm almost finished and soon little Abigail you will be able to cozy up under this with your many big siblings!It is not as perfect as you but it is being made with much love and prayers.

Now this is a MUST see video clip. I believe I have the youngest baby talker of our family. Could Lily be one of those baby Einsteins? I really think so...

Oh,and to support my Lily Einstein theory to make this video clip I was interrupting her while she was reading National Geographic. HM...could there be another archaeologist in the family?


  1. Tina, We LOVE the quilt and the blanket you sent! They are beautiful and lovely! I feel so honored to have gotten some of your work. Thanks every so very much! I posted pictures on my blog and directed readers to yours so they could check out your etsy sales! -Erica
