Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When The Icky Attitude Take A Little Rest

Today was a pretty icky day for me so I am loading today's post with a lot of what happened when the icky-ness took brief moment of rest...

So now in 20 years I will look back on this post and think "gee what a genuinely great day this was.What was so icky about it anyway?".

December 1st starts our Christmas Eve count down!

I could not find our little tree so Elena thought putting every ones Christmas treat cones on the stairs like this would work just as good. I agree. Twenty four days...twenty four treats or in our case twenty four days 384 treats.

Here is the cute countdown calender the kids received from their grandparents. We found that someone could not wait to open each window on it's designated day but instead opened a lot of the windows out of turn.

I'm not going to name names or anything...

Anya wanted me to take a picture of her cozied up in her Tinkerbell blanket...a little escaping life under a blanket sounds good to me...

My newest Christmas gift idea...

Well,it truthfully was these cute The Purl Bee embroidered Dreidel game pouches. Aren't they real cute!? We are not Jewish ( Jeff's sister and her family are) but my kids would really like these all the same. Who does not enjoy a game which includes chocolate coins...


I settled for trying my hand at hair accessories since I have eight girls instead.

My vision is to somehow try to attach these cute buttons to the hair clips. Any thought on how to go about that?

I also remembered those cool ribbon weaved barrettes we had way back in the '80s. Remember those?

I could not find the type of barrettes we used back then. I did find these tiny clip barrette. I thought these tiny clip ones would work better on African hair.

Here is Lily modeling this purple barrette that I made for Ekie's Christmas gift. Ekie just loves purple. Not bad.

I might still attempt the Dreidle game pouches for the boys. I think they would like those.They are very cute.

I thought for sure our money troubles would be over when I found this in our penny jar...

umm...after a little Internet investigating I came to the conclusion that our money troubles would be solved not by this 1937 penny but by me not frequenting the fabric store at ever project whim I have...not what I wanted to find out...


  1. I made oodles of those barrettes! You are going to put beads on them right?

    I bought all the goodies to make bows but, I just can't get the hang of it.

  2. Susan,
    I forgot about the beads! Yes,the girls would love beads. Maybe we could bring back the
    '80s barrette fashion trend. It has been a long enough wait, hasn't it?

