Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ginger Ale and Tuna

Late last nigh Joel had it set on his mind that he wanted a 'Pepsi' which ha calls all pop. I would have considered sharing one with him if it was not SO late. To avoid a very late night temper tantrum I did what most moms would have done.Well, maybe just me and my great parenting techniques. I promised him a ginger ale the next day. That did not quite do the trick so I promised a ginger ale in a very special cup. That did the trick.

Well, today came and it was time for our ginger ale in a special cup time. Very exiting but there seems to be a sort of upsetting issue. I could not figure out what was wrong but I captured it on camera.

But Joel quickly recovered.

Lily joined us and we had a fun time.

For lunch today we had cold tuna noodle salad with homemade bread...SO TASTY!

Of course the cat tried to sneak a taste,too.

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