Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aprons For Pretty Girls

Yesterday evening, before the kids (except Lily) left for AWANA Joel and Lily were eating a little bowl of yogurt (with flax seed-he he. Don't tell).

I did not want them to spill on their clothes so they each put on an apron to catch any sloppy spills. Lily picked out this cute apron that Joel and Odell made for her a while back.

I thought I just had to show you all how sweet the apron is! They hand sewed the whole thing!

Lily, Joel,and Odell.

Notice Joel's tie? His Easter bug tie? I talked him into wearing it to AWANA. It pleases me so much to see him in it. Not sure what's up with his goofy smile,though.

A summer goal of mine:

I would like to walk to the library once a week with the eight younger kids. I was thinking of helping them make library simple book bags on the sewing machine...might sound a little too crazy. Maybe I do a few kids at a time...that might be easier. We will see if I actually get around to it.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Such cuties and the apron too:)A walk to the library sounds refreshing! Hope you get to do it...and sewin book bags sounds like fun too:) Right up you alley too with all the sewing you do anyway!
    PS:I have a new's public so you can get on too! Hope you stop by:)
