Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Mountain Man

My mountain Man

We might not go on huge vacations or fancy dates as a couple but honestly and truly it's the little consistent, thoughtful things make me feel more special than anything else Jeff could do for me.

Jeff has, for most of our 17 years of marriage, brought me home some sort of Monday flower or other treat.

He would with a smile on his face, drive somewhere at 3 in the morning (I'm a night owl) to get me some pop just because I mentioned I was thirsty.

He let's me indulge in my many on-a-whim sewing adventures most of which once made sit in a bin. He knows the end result but still gives me the room to create.

I like things constantly moving and flowing. It is hard for me to sit still for long,mentally that is. Jeff, listens and comes along for the ride.

He will load us all in the van and drive us all around (I do not know how to drive) with no real destination just to let me clear my head and think and breath.

Sometimes there is nothing like the pressure-cooker of life in our large family to bring out so much icky in me. Ha, it can spew out from me for days at a time. It's landing destination is my dear husband. Poor guy. But he still loves me.

Jeff spoils me,indulges me,lets me run,but he also trusts me,encourages me,counsels me,guides me,protects me.

He is a real man.

He is my mountain man.

And I love him deeply.

One of the biggest privileges I will have in my life is to grow old with him.

With my husband.

Warmly,A Patchwork Mommy