Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Worth the Effort

Want another Happy Jack quote?

I could go on for days sharing Happy Jack's wise squirrel words.

Thrift is the meat in the nut of success.

So thrift it is!!

I had four cans of cranberry sauce that we were given this past holiday season. I had stashed them away but unlike Happy Jack who always remembers were he hides his acorns, I had forgotten.

I came across them and thought a late afternoon treat would hit the spot!

I had been SO tired today so I spent most of the afternoon on the couch napping but off the couch I got because this little treat would be worth the effort.

Lily my helper.

Looking good!!

A happy helper!!

I forgot to take a picture of our cooked cranberry crisp. The couch called me back.


the effort was worth it!!

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

P.S. No sewing for the 5th day in a row. I really must be tired.

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